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i need some help in balun designing.i have simualted a planar antenna on quartz substrate with 100 ohms lumped port now to connect it with 50 ohm feed line i will be in need of balun design,but i have no idea how to design a balun??plz anyone who have design it plz tell me what are designing considration??should i think about frequency??how to design it plz basic steps are requird if some one has any example plz do share with me????plz i need help
i need some help in balun designing.i have simualted a planar antenna on quartz substrate with 100 ohms lumped port now to connect it with 50 ohm feed line i will be in need of balun design,but i have no idea how to design a balun??plz anyone who have design it plz tell me what are designing considration??should i think about frequency??how to design it plz basic steps are requird if some one has any example plz do share with me????plz i need help