Automatic aquarium feeder

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Member level 2
Oct 20, 2009
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User “jajen” presents an automatic aquarium feeder. You can buy feeders based on the principle of a revolving drum but they are only useful in the case of pellets. In the case of flakes, they become useless. A DC motor with a transmission was assembled in this feeder. The casing was glued out of Plexi. The tube, in which worm Works, was made of a 20ml syringe, the conveying screw was made of a brass bar and galvanized washers cut and properly profiled, and then soldered to the bar. The gear for the transmission adapted from old audio equipment. Originally a microprocessor AVT relay was supposed to be used as a controller, but thanks to the courtesy of one of the CNC forum users, the controller, which simultaneously regulates voltage (worm speed) from 4-9V and operation time in the range of 1 to 15 sec. The feeder is connected to the Skalar controller, whose timer generates an impulse controlling the feeder twice a day, and then the controller starts the motor accordion to the set speed for a particular time (in the case of the user 2-3 sec , which corresponds to 2-3 worm revolutions).

Modification with an agitator

Link to original thread - Automatyczny karmnik dla ryb

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