ARES help ! how to autoroute with different track widths ?

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Full Member level 4
Jan 10, 2009
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Istanbul , Turkey
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hello dear forum,

I want autoroute my proteus-ares PCB design
however I have signal and power lines at the same time
like 30 Amps power lines and milliamps signal lines

how can I teach to the autorouter to place different width for signal and power lines ?
( or shall I define the track widths already in ISIS ? )

thank you

Open the design rule manager in ARES and select the second tab (net classes), you will see two net classes one for power and one for signal, you can set the track width for each net in the track style box of that screen

thanks, what if i want different track widths in signals, like few lines thicker and others smaller

I think you have to do it manually by right clicking on the track and selecting a different width.
There is probably the alternative to create more net classes and set each one to a different width but I haven't done it so I can't guide you.

Thank you alex, I found it, in schematic select the wire and put label, let us say we want it "A". when giving name to the label in dialog box, write Class=A instead just A.
Now in PCB rules manager new class A will appear, you can set its width etc. then auto-routing will consider it.
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