Anybody can correct this error ?

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Apr 23, 2004
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This is code to implement FIR by Verilog for FPGA.
I have simulated it by Quartus 4.0 and find that the result is not corrected in the first cycle but corrected in the second cycle. I can not explain what reason ?

I attach my simulation file and mark the error for two cycles .

Anybody can help me ?

// IEEE STD 1364-1995 Verilog file: fir_gen.v
// Author-EMAIL:
// This is a generic FIR filter generator
// It uses W1 bit data/coefficients bits
module fir_gen(clk, Load_x, x_in, c_in, y_out);
parameter W1 = 9, // Input bit width
W2 = 18, // Multiplier bit width 2*W1
L = 4, // Filter length or number of tap
W3 = 19, // Adder width = W2+log2(L)-1
W4 = 11, // Output bit width
Mpipe = 3; // Pipeline steps of multiplier

input clk, Load_x; // std_logic
input [W1-1:0] x_in, c_in; // Inputs = 9 bits
output [W4-1:0] y_out; // Results output 11 bits=10 bits data+1 bits signal

reg [W1-1:0] x;
wire [W3-1:0] y;

//2D array types i.e. memories not supported by MaxPlusII
//in Verilog, use therefore single vectors

reg [W1-1:0] c0, c1, c2, c3; // Coefficient array
wire [W2-1:0] p0, p1, p2, p3; // Product array
reg [W3-1:0] a0, a1, a2, a3; // Adder array

wire [W2-1:0] sum; // Auxilary signals
wire clken, aclr;

//----> Load Data or Coefficient
always @(posedge clk)
begin: Load
if (Load_x==0)
// Coefficients shift one
// Store coefficient in register
c3 <= c_in;
c2 <= c3;
c1 <= c2;
c0 <= c1;
x <= x_in; // Get one data sample at a time

//----> Compute sum-of-products
always @(posedge clk)
begin: SOP
// Compute the transposed filter additions
// W2 = 18 : Multiplier bit width 2*W1
a0 <= {p0[W2-1], p0} + a1;
a1 <= {p1[W2-1], p1} + a2;
a2 <= {p2[W2-1], p2} + a3;
a3 <= {p3[W2-1], p3}+ 19'd00000; // First TAP has only a register
assign y = a0;

//Instantiate L pipelined multiplier
lpm_mult mul_0 // Multiply x*c0 = p0
(.clock(clk), .dataa(x), .datab(c0), .result(p0));
defparam mul_0.lpm_widtha = W1;
defparam mul_0.lpm_widthb = W1;
defparam mul_0.lpm_widthp = W2;
defparam mul_0.lpm_widths = W2;
defparam mul_0.lpm_pipeline = Mpipe;
defparam mul_0.lpm_representation = "SIGNED";

lpm_mult mul_1 // Multiply x*c1 = p1
(.clock(clk), .dataa(x), .datab(c1), .result(p1));
defparam mul_1.lpm_widtha = W1;
defparam mul_1.lpm_widthb = W1;
defparam mul_1.lpm_widthp = W2;
defparam mul_1.lpm_widths = W2;
defparam mul_1.lpm_pipeline = Mpipe;
defparam mul_1.lpm_representation = "SIGNED";

lpm_mult mul_2 // Multiply x*c2 = p2
(.clock(clk), .dataa(x), .datab(c2), .result(p2));
defparam mul_2.lpm_widtha = W1;
defparam mul_2.lpm_widthb = W1;
defparam mul_2.lpm_widthp = W2;
defparam mul_2.lpm_widths = W2;
defparam mul_2.lpm_pipeline = Mpipe;
defparam mul_2.lpm_representation = "SIGNED";

lpm_mult mul_3 // Multiply x*c3 = p3
(.clock(clk), .dataa(x), .datab(c3), .result(p3));
defparam mul_3.lpm_widtha = W1;
defparam mul_3.lpm_widthb = W1;
defparam mul_3.lpm_widthp = W2;
defparam mul_3.lpm_widths = W2;
defparam mul_3.lpm_pipeline = Mpipe;
defparam mul_3.lpm_representation = "SIGNED";

assign y_out = y[W3-1:W3-W4];


Can you send me the verilog module file for lpm_mult mul_2?
And a verilog testbench? So that I can reproduce the problem here!

nand_gates said:
Can you send me the verilog module file for lpm_mult mul_2?
And a verilog testbench? So that I can reproduce the problem here!

lpm_mult mul_2 is only a megacore in Quartus and you can find the Verilog code of it. Testbench is make by Modelsim which is intergrated in Quartus.

But anyway, I have solved this error, because I choose the unsuitable device for synthersize. So the delay time for multiplying is too large and it causes this error.

Thank for your enthusiasm.

Merry christmas

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