Any LVDS experts around?

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Newbie level 1
Jun 11, 2010
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If this is not the right spot to ask this please forgive me and move it to
the appropriate forum.

I would like to use the Open Source Beagle Board in a design with a LVDS LCD
panel. There have been a few attempts to make this work by passing LVDS
and using DVI and clunky controllers much larger than the Beagle Board.

Here is the board: The Beagle Board is a
cool little open hardware device that seems to offer a lot of capability. I like
it because the schematic and gerbers are freely available and the cost is right.

The new xM version has LVDS right on the board from what I can tell, but
the documents are sketchy. I'd rather use the older C4 version anyway.

Although I can handle many things, LVDS interfacing is beyond my current level
of ability. I think with many many hours and days of study and research I might
be able to hack something together but I would like an elegant solution. I don't
want to own the design, I just just need to use it with the Beagle Board.

Any one know where I might find someone with LVDS capability and the interest
to make this happen? I can assist with board layout, prototype costs and such.

From the information I have seen, the board has DVI-D rather than a low-level LCD LVDS interface. While a LCD display with LVDS interface uses a fixed framing, DVI-D is a flexible plug-and-play standard supporting e.g. different image resolutions. You need a controller chip to convert DVI-D to a fixed LCD LVDS format.

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