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Any good Book on Microwave Engineering

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Aircraft Maniac

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May 18, 2002
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foundation for microwave engineering

Hi ppl ,

Does anyone have a good e-book on microwave engineering or a www link.

If so kindly let me know as soon as possible.

Aircraft Maniac


collin microwave

you can find it in edook forum.

best book on microwave engineering

RF and MW HB can be found in e-book forum

collin foundations microwave engineering download

there are so many books in Ebooks forum. Some good,some normal.
But classic textbook is so few.

microwave engineering download

I think RF and MW handbook is good for your startup.
BTW, what are you doing? satellite communications? or wireless?
and people can give you more suggestions.

rapidshare engineering microwave collins

I think you will find enough info about microwave engineering in ebooks section.

pozar microwave engineering rapidshare

try to find INtroduction to microwave circuits (rOBERT j. wEBER), it is a very good book

i think "RF Microwave Circuit Design for wireless apllications" is helpful.

microwave engineering best book

too many books in the ebook forum.

download microwave engineering

please comment what you find good in those books

best microwave engineering book

It would be worth to buy a text version because it is useful for daily reference for formulas.

download foundation for microwave engineering

You can go to minicircuits and sign up for their free catalogs;
"RF design", "VCO designer", and one other. There apply the respected theories in a practical way, and get straight to the piont.
These are good to have especialy for quick reference.

Hope this helps

microwave collin

If you are really serious about this then it it "M/i/c/r/o/w/a/v/e Engineering" by P/o/z/a/r but I don't think it is in the ebook section.

the rf and microwave handbook ebook

My opinion : R.E. Collin, Microwave Enginneering is excellent for the basics. Pozar is also quite good. Balanis or Kraus , of course, for Antennas.
microwave engineering by +collins

Pozar would be my recommendation too.


download r.e.collin microwave engineering

Does anyone have material about gap-coupling patch antennas?
I've seen IEEE articles but they are not enough to me.

Thanks in advance

list of reference books of microwave engineering

Microwave Eng by Pozar is widely used in many universities and corporate body. I have taken Microwave Eng class under him more than a decade ago. He is a very good teacher. The book is into 2nd or 3rd ed. by now and we were using his first ed which has quite a number of errors then. And now my company is using it for Microwave Eng technical program.

microwave engg text by re collin

btw, where is gone the RF and Microwave Handbook?, i downloaded some parts and now i cant find it

foundation for microwave engineering pdf download

I think you can go to MCU, perhaps you can find it.

microwave communication by sammuel y lio

I dont think this book goes into things in very much depth.

If you need a good book, try
RF Circuit Design by Ludwig Bretchkov.

I find this very useful, but it is not in forum or MCU :(



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