analog IC design lecture

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Member level 1
May 14, 2004
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jtwu aic password

I have been looking for the on line lecture via internet about the design of the analog IC. As I know, there is now on the UC berkeley web. If you know other lectures about that in any university, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.

aic nctu jtwu

There is also on Stanford website, but there is a password protection. Not good enough.

Please clarify what you mean. Are the lectures nog good enough, or is the password protection nog good enough ....

radiohead, what do you think is not good enough? To me it's not good the presense of a password and being not able to watch those lectures.

very useful.but there are no lecture for bipolar.

Plesase let me know how to see the lecture on the stanford univ.
what's password?

stanford is teaching a class now quite good here is the link

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no password either !

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ECE6416 Low Noise Electronic Design
excellent material
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I am sorry that the links in **broken link removed** now request login

if u got the lecture downloded plz upload on the board..

Lectures that r available here r older version of lecture that will be at

but only ucberkeley can supply the video.that's prity.

See IC design class lectures on mixed-signal circuit group website at Texas A&M Univ.

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