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about ISE install need you help !

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Aug 19, 2005
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environment variables ise 7.1i

Hi all

Anyone knew whether different versions of ISE (for example 8.1 and 7.1 )can be installed in same windows XP environment?
If they can ,whether they able to share same devices library of Xilinx ? How did I do that ?

how to install xilinx ise 7.1i

I think that it can't be done. Both, 7.1 and 8.1, use the same global environment variable XILINX, which points to the installation path.

unable to change to directory path unisims_ver.

Dear angelote

thanks for you reply ! both softwares work fine in my WinXp !

unable to change to directory path unisims_ver.

Yes, I have ISE 4.2i, 6.3i, 7.1i, and 8.1i all installed. I simply change that XILINX environment variable when I want to switch between them.

Don't try to share anything between versions. Do full installations into separate folders.

I don't use Project Navigator. I build my projects using a command line makefile. That makes it really easy to switch a project between ISE versions.

If you use ModelSim, you need to compile separate simulation libraries for each ISE version. For convenience, I modified modelsim.ini and replaced lines such as this:
UNISIMS_VER = C:\Xilinx81\SimLibs\unisims_ver
with this:
UNISIMS_VER = $XILINX\SimLibs\unisims_ver

switch between version xilinx ise

Hi echo47

I set XILINX environment variable like this (d:\Xilinx for 7.1)
XILINX   d:\Xilinx8.1i;d:\Xilinx;
whether this environment set will make any conflict ?

And about ModelSim simulation libraries compile, I use such ways
(Just compile ISE7.1 simulation libraries of all device )
1.modified modelsim.ini (check off readonly ) Xilinx \bin \nt ( in dos mode ) compxlib -s mti_se -f all -l all -o d:\EDA\modeltech_6.1d \xilinx_libs
so the modelsim.ini show these after compxlib
UNISIMS_VER = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\unisims_ver
SIMPRIMS_VER = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\simprims_ver
XILINXCORELIB_VER = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\XilinxCoreLib_ver
UNI9000_VER = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\uni9000_ver
AIM_VER = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\abel_ver\aim_ver
CPLD_VER = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\cpld_ver
UNISIM = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\unisim
SIMPRIM = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\simprim
XILINXCORELIB = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\XilinxCoreLib
AIM = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\abel\aim
PLS = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\abel\pls
CPLD = d:\modeltech_6.1d\xilinx_lib\cpld
I think it just need to compile simulation libraries one times for all versions of ISE because all device of different versions have same simulation model and parameters ! Am I right?

xilinx switch versions variables

I would expect those sharing techniques to cause havoc, but I have never tried them.

I keep separate simulation libraries because we need to update them after each IP update, and I believe that a new version of ISE qualifies as an IP update. More info:
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More Xilinx suggestions:
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