[SOLVED] A problem in VHDL- signal assigned to one pin of a component

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A problem in VHDL

I assigned a signal to one pin of a component in top-module. in defining of that component I initialized that pin to '0'.
by default that pin is defined as "inout" type. While simulating in top module when the value of signal should change to "1", it changes to "X". When I change the type of that pin to "in" type it works true. I want to use that pin also as out, so I should use it as "inout". In fact it is a side of a bidirectional buffer.
Would you please guide me? my code is in VHDL.


Re: A problem in VHDL

While writing in HDL always try to visualise what your code going to yield in synthesis.

For a bidirectional signal which can drive and can be driven there should some other control signal which specifies when to act as input and when as output.if you dont have such signal then what you will see as 'X' because there will be two drivers for same signal.( one from inside your design and other from outside.)

here is a nice example of typical tristate buffer.


Re: A problem in VHDL

I construed the reason: for inout ports, there is an internal and an external drivers which work independently. So you should determin for each of the internal and external states their values and these values should not have conflict. For example when I added the assignement of 'Z' value in internal code for state that inout pin should be drived by external value it worked truely.
process (clk_DIRn,aclk,bclk)
if (clk_DIRn='1') then
aclk <=bclk after Tbuff+Tcable+Tbuff;
bclk <= 'Z';
elsif (clk_DIRn='0') then
bclk <=aclk after Tbkp;
aclk<= 'Z';
end if;
end process;


Re: A problem in VHDL

Is your problem solved?
which is your bidirectional signal?

Re: A problem in VHDL

yes it solved. both aclk and bclk are bidirectional. u can consider only one of them.

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