5 volt led blinking circuit + speed adjustment and motion detector

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Mar 16, 2021
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Hello everyone,
Hope the thread finds you well.
I am novice to electronic and it is a hobby. I have a project in mind and i need a help.
The goal is to build a device that when detects a motion, 3 leds randomly starts flashing. Each led will have own speed adjustment for blinking. The power supply would be 5 volt dc. I am looking for circuit and required components.
I have searched youtube and all l can find is 9 or 12 volt flashing circuit only. Not a lot with speed adjustment.

I thank you in advance for your help

Google ""arduino pir motion sensor, lots of circuits and programs.

If you can program an Arduino. You could use a NANO or UNO Arduino board, and
a PIR sensor with it.

Regards, Dana.
--- Updated ---

If you have never programmed consider starting with mBlock, or Scratch for Arduino.

Regards, Dana.
Last edited:


Every tiny microcontroller will do.
A quad comparator, too.


Thank you Dana,
I know programming and i do have arduino. However, i was thinking small circuit using transistor or ic, resistors, capacitors and potentiometer, etc. It would be a waste of ardunio power for such device.

Thank you for reply. I don't mind using ic or transistors. I am looking for diagram with components value.
Look at the data sheet for the 555. There's plenty of diagrams and component values. Or, just do a search for 555.

Handy oscillating circuit made from two invert-gates and RC network. You can get three oscillators out of a hex inverter IC (7404, 4049, 4069).
Each is independent of the other. Adjust frequency by changing resistor or capacitor value.
An led can be placed: (a) from 5V to output, or (b) from output to ground, or (c) both. You should install a safety resistor in series with each led.



Just use the internet. Do a search for LED blinking circuit".
I get 16 million results. This surely is enough of information.
Don't complain about "too many hits".

But if you need more detailed answers you need to give more informations first. Ideas, drawings, explanations, timing, functions....


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