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problem in implementing state machine in vhdl

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Full Member level 4
May 24, 2004
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hi guys i am trying to implement a state machine in vhdl. i am just trying to load some shift registers and later shift them in later states.

i have 4 states idle, load, clk_st, compute.
in idle state i try to reset them, in load i load the shift registers with the new values. in clk_st state i shift them once and compute i calculate a value by xoring them and then shift them.
the problem which i am facing is that when it goes into move state it shifts the registers 2 times. i am unable to find out why does it excute this state 2 times.

cany any one please help... i am attaching the code below..
thanks in advance

architecture Behavioral of test is

signal c1, c2, c3: std_logic;

type State_Type is (Idle, load , clk_st, compute);

signal Current_State,Next_State: State_Type;


statereg: process(Clk,Reset)
if Reset = '1' then
Current_State <= Idle;
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1' )then
Current_State <= Next_State;
end if;
end process;

process ( clk, Current_State,reset)

variable r1_r: std_logic_vector(18 downto 0);
variable r2_r: std_logic_vector(21 downto 0);
variable r3_r: std_logic_vector(22 downto 0);
variable empty_bit: std_logic;

variable cnt : integer;

variable cnt_test : integer;

variable ref_bit: std_logic_vector(64-1 downto 0);
variable shft_reg_r3 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
variable shft_reg_r3_1: std_logic_vector (1 downto 0 );
variable shft_reg_r3_2: std_logic;
variable shft_reg_r3_3: std_logic_vector (2 downto 0 );

case Current_State is
when Idle =>
r1_r := (others=>'0');
r2_r := (others=>'0');
r3_r := (others=>'0');
cnt := 0;
empty_bit:= '0';
fb1 <= '0';
fb2 <= '0';
fb3 <= '0';
c1 <= '0';
c2 <= '0';
c3 <= '0';
shft_reg_r3 := (others=>'0');
shft_reg_r3_1 := (others=>'0');
shft_reg_r3_2:= '0';
shft_reg_r3_3:= (others=>'0');
ref_bit := (others=> '0');
cnt_test := 0;

if load = '1' then
Next_State <= load_reg;
Next_State <= idle;
end if;

when load_reg =>
Next_State <= clk_st;
ref_bit := Reference;
r1_r := Vector_In(63 downto 45);
r2_r := Vector_In(44 downto 23);
empty_bit:= r1_r(18) xor r2_r(21) xor ref_bit(Ks_Width-1 );
shft_reg_r3 := "00" & empty_bit ; -- 22 bit
shft_reg_r3_1 := '0' & r3_r(21); --21 bit
shft_reg_r3_2:= r3_r(20); -- 20 bit
shft_reg_r3_3 := "00" & r3_r (7); -- 7 bit

cnt := 1 ;

when clk_st =>
Next_State <= compute;
ref_bit(Ks_Width-1 downto 0) := ref_bit(Ks_Width-2 downto 0)&'0' ;

--"it is shifting ref_bit 2 times... I dont knwo why "

cnt_test:= cnt_test + 1;
empty_bit:= r1_r(18) xor r2_r(21) xor ref_bit(Ks_Width-1 );
shft_reg_r3 := shft_reg_r3(1 downto 0) & empty_bit ; -- 22 bit
shft_reg_r3_1 := shft_reg_r3_1(0) & empty_bit; --21 bit
shft_reg_r3_3 := shft_reg_r3_3(1 downto 0) & r3_r(7); -- 7 bit
shft_reg_r3_2 := empty_bit; -- 20 bit
c1 <= r1_r(8) ;
c2 <= r2_r(10) ;
c3 <= r3_r(10) ;
cnt := 2 ;

when compute =>

Next_State <= compute;

ref_bit(Ks_Width-1 downto 0) := ref_bit(Ks_Width-2 downto 0)&'0';
empty_bit:= r1_r(18) xor r2_r(21) xor ref_bit(Ks_Width-1 );
if (c3 =c1) or (c3=c2) then --2
shft_reg_r3 := shft_reg_r3(1 downto 0) & empty_bit ; -- 22 bit
shft_reg_r3_1 := shft_reg_r3_1(0) & empty_bit; --21 bit
shft_reg_r3_3 := shft_reg_r3_3(1 downto 0) & r3_r(7); -- 7 bit
shft_reg_r3_2 := empty_bit; -- 20 bit

"on one particuar condition it will exit... "
when others =>
end case;

end process;


I think that the code for clk_st is shifting once, you receive 2 times shifting because in the next cycle, in the state compute, you are shifting one more time.

compute i calculate a value by xoring them and then shift them
You can't do this in one state, the shift and xor operation happens at the same time.

Remove the clock from the second process. It will help.
Since each state change is two clock cycle . i.e. why it shifts two times.

Make a process either combinatorial or sequential.

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