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Help builting my own pic programmer

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Nov 30, 2007
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my own pic programmer software

Hi All.

First, i'm not a professional, just hobbyst.

After using PIC's for a while, i'm trying to build my own USB programmer. This is my idea:
I'll use an 18F4550 as controller. This will be connected to my PC/laptop using USB. The power for target pic will come from USB [using some other components, like microchok to generate 12v and enable programming on MCLR pin]....
I'll have 2 circuits to provide 12V on target pic MCLR: one for smaller pics [18/14/8pin] and other for bigger pics [40/28pin], each of these supplys will have transistor and the controller wich enable/disable individually. This way, my software can change the 'board' for each kind of pic [instead of jumper].
The CLOCK and DATA pin will be directly connected from controller to target pic, without any transistor or anything.
My controller will receive commands from PC and set the clock/data and MCLR to 1/0, according to the programm currently writting.

In the computer, i'll build my own programmer software OR i'll use the ic-prog, with and external plugin. Looking into ic-prog documentation, i saw that i can build my own hardware and programm using ic-prog plugin. This plugin just receive the data from ic-prog [o/1 on the corresponding pin] and send to my board.

Well, this is my idea....
Question: is fine to connect my controller pin directly to target pin for clock/data programming?

tks blueroomelectronics, but i do have 2 serial programmers.

The idea for this projectr is to learn, learn, and learn. Yes, i also need a usb programmer [serial is too slow :S ]....but the main going is to learn something new with the problems, design, etc...

Tks anyway :)

The Poyto design does work, you just have to make sure you're using the correct firmware and your wiring is 100% of course...

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