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[SOLVED] why we use simulators

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Mar 17, 2011
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my question may be silly .
I want to know why we study orcad or any other simuator software, i mean how powerful are these tools?
I cannot build circuits for my hobby due to cost factor, so is it equivalent to do that on orcad?

you use simulation tools to get an idea of what will happen when you build the circuit for real. you don't simulate for fun. if you want to build a circuit and want to see if it will work or not, or if you want to see if it will work the way you want it to be, you use a simulation tool to verify. its easier to simulate first an hdl code before you send it to the manifacturer and have all the chips manifactured and see that they don't work. so you simulate first to fix the errors and get a working design manifactured.

the power of the tool depends on the level of the modeling or the tool you use, for example a level1 spice model of a bjt gives you a very unrealistic result, but a higher level can give you a better approximation to the reality. but an hdl simulation tool gives you a pretty good approximation for example.

so it depends on what you are simulating and on which tool you are simulating.

More than that, simulators are an excellent tool to support the education of students.
Learners and beginners can "play" with parts and parameters and can get from the program answers to the question: "What happens if.....?". Thus, one immediately can see and evaluate the consequences of any circuit modification in the time as well as in the frequency domain.

The consequences of error are much less costly, in simulation.

Provided you don't believe them and proceed on to production.

... Provided you don't believe them and proceed on to production.
As far as you can, you check by simulation. Once you are satisfied with that you should build it physically. And then the fun can start.

I spent many hours in our development lab experimenting with the physical layout of an i.f. stage. Fine when simulated, but the simulator couldn't take stray capacity and inductance into account.

Fine when simulated, but the simulator couldn't take stray capacity and inductance into account.

I don't think you should blame the simulator. Of course, he/it is able to take parasitics into account.
But the simulator can do nothing else than to follow the inputs - created by human beings. is able to take parasitics into account...

I agree to that point.

The main mission fo simulators is to test circuit behaviour, from schematic design.
However, the parasitic elements are obtained from layoyt design.
So, the mission for get those informations is up to some other program, prior to simulation itself.


A simulator is just what's needed to get beginners fascinated with electronics.

A simulator can enhance our knowledge and enjoyment by showing us what's going on inside the wires. At least mine can.

I devised my own electronics simulator. Still in development.

It's not so elaborate as the widely used ones. Nevertheless mine has got the capacity to hold one's attention. For instance I've gained a greater appreciation for oscillators insofar as they are showpieces of someone's inventiveness.

Mine is unlike ordinary simulators in that you don't have to contrive a whole lot of text just to see a simple graph.

My simulator portrays current flow within wires. Capacitors charging and discharging. Dynamics of coil EMF and flux fields. All at several frames per second.

I put several videos on Youtube. Search on the username 'patientbrad'.

Some professional ASIC and PCB tools are able to extract parasitic elements from layout design and performs some kind of simulations.
However, I never investigated if there is possible to generate an output from that, in some spice-like model format.


The top end design tools produce a back-extracted netlist which you can then re-simulate like the original circuit & see the difference.


most of the simulator have error notification .it help us. Simulator really reduce cost .

So that you can avoid buying the components. Once simulation is successful you can buy the components and then make one.

thanks everyone

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