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Why ICs color is black?

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Nov 27, 2006
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Why IC's are black in color, why not white?
Since black is absorbent of heat and hence IC may get heated quickly.If IC are white in color this problem may be reduced considerably.

If the reason is behind fabrication technology, then i want to know exact cause of it?

Re: Why IC are black?

going by the same reasoning, don't you think black will also dissipate heat quickly ?

Re: Why IC are black?

Sorry dude,question was about PCB not about IC. If it is really there please give me its link

Re: Why IC are black?

black body radiates heat better than other colors and hence IC packages are in black

Re: Why IC are black?

Not all chips are black....


Re: Why IC are black?

IC's are black coz to radiate the heat generated inthe chip

Why IC are black?

I think it's because the package metarial is black.

Re: Why IC are black?

victoria_jitesh said:
Sorry dude,question was about PCB not about IC. If it is really there please give me its link

The link to the thread where this was discussed before is:

Why IC are black?

packaging will do with silicon ad carbon material. may be bcz of that the IC colour is black.

Why IC are black?

interesting question !!! I think Black color radiates more heat than white n black color can be handled easily :)

Why IC are black?

A material's visible color is not directly related to how well it radiates heat. Some visibly dark materials (search Google for "selective black" and "emissivity") radiate heat poorly compared to many common white materials.

Re: Why IC are black?

This could be because of packaging material. Quite an interesting question though.

Re: Why IC are black?

at least there is one other reason - they shouldn't be transparent because then you would have generation of minority carriers by light ;)

Added after 1 minutes:

and as far as I know (there is also a similar effect in tire-production) you can influence the hardness of the package material (and the viscosity during production by the amount of carbon that you insert into the process as soot ...

Why IC are black?

Once upon a time we diagnosed a digital system that failed only when the electronics was installed into the enclosure. Simply open the lid, and it started working.

Turned out to be a light-sensitive (defective) microcontroller that wouldn't work in the dark. It was an 8051 family device with an uncovered EPROM window.

Why IC are black?

i think its due to many reason but the most is the black body radiation capability

Re: Why IC are black?

this is a good question .

well as far as i know the material which is used for packing is mica ,graphite so obviously there are black in color . and coming to cost analysis semiconductor companies are selling IC's at very cheap rates and they dont to escalte costs by adding color and some fundas to it

hope it is clear

Re: Why IC are black?

not only black and white... i'd also seen the tan one. how do we explain these? artistic reason or what?

Re: Why IC are black?

They can dissipate and radiate more power so power dissipation capacity is increased.

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