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Why does not the make file or code compile correctly?


Full Member level 5
Full Member level 5
Mar 31, 2018
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As a hobby project, I am trying to run a legacy 68x emulator using codeblocks gcc. The link is I do not understand why the Make file runs into errors. There are also errors in the code. I guess that all the codes that exist in the repository are free from syntax errors. Why does it not work for me?
Assume nothing, the InterWebz is littered with failed projects.
Sometimes there's nobody left to take out the trash.

However, the occasional times I compile with other peoples'
makefiles I see a stream of reporting (good or bad). Do the
"make" with that stream redirected to a logfile and you can
scroll through it all looking for the complaint that broke it.
Start from the back, probably, but keep going until you find
the first.

Missing or inappropriate dependencies are maybe the
easiest to step in, especially with really old code-piles.
Here it is

"Checking if target is up-to-date: mingw32-make.exe -q -f Makefile Debug
Running command: mingw32-make.exe -f Makefile Debug
mingw32-make.exe: *** No rule to make target"

Is "Makefile debug" within mingw's ability to resolve? Looks like
a filename that most linux parsing would fail at. If filename has
actual spaces in it, probably have to wrap with ticks or quotes.
Here is the make file. Please suggest the workaround


  • Makefile.txt
    948 bytes · Views: 139
Perhaps someone here who has used Codeblocks can answer - I have not heard of it before now.
Having said that, I did a Google search and came up with the user manual (in my case in English) at .
Section 4.2.3 (which I found by looking at the table of contents) might help.
Also why bother with Codeblocks - run make from the command line.
This is quite another question altogether. Perhaps looking at the CodeBlocks documentation that I linked to above and section 1.13.8 might give you some idea.

However I think that running the emulator will only be a small part of what needs to be done. I get the feeling that this just emulates the CPU and you need to write other code that emulates the surrounding hardware (RAM, ROM, IO etc). Also do you have a program that the emulator is to run?

I suggest that you look at the 'Example' folder in the GitHub project that you link to in your first post. If that doesn't help then perhaps get hold of the author of the emulator.

I looked into example folder and compiled sample program sim.c. But the build ran into so many errors with missing dependencies and syntax errors.
I was surprised because , the mushasi emulator is an established code and used in several projects. Perhaps I am doing something wrong. I did contact author, but with no response.
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