Why are simple PCBs difficult to lay out in "High-end" PCB layout packages?

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Re: Why are simple PCBs difficult to lay out in "High-end" PCB layout packages?

Treez, you are off your rocker mate.

First the applications engineers and CAD software resellers are out to get you and now other engineers are trying to poison you.

When I drink a cup of coffee I am able to tell if it is too hot before it gets to my lips, I certainly would not drink it if it was.
Is the CAD package to blame for your drink problem too?

So people that were unable to do the layout themselves were able to determine that the board could have been done a lot quicker eh? perhaps they should have done it instead of paying you.

CAD packages are only so complex because the customers, the users of those packages demand all the features that come in them, and demand it does this and does that and when they do this that it doesn't do that or that they can set a rule that it keeps and it prevents you doing something your not supposed to etc.

When you use your CAD package and find it doesn't do what you want it to do - I am 100% sure that you will be the first to complain about it.

What makes packages complex is the users.

Re: Why are simple PCBs difficult to lay out in "High-end" PCB layout packages?

ok thanks, by the way, the coffee was cold, -had sat there for a good 15 minutes.

Re: Why are simple PCBs difficult to lay out in "High-end" PCB layout packages?

I must admit ive downloaded the free altium trial, and I am finding it easier to get along with than before, and this is because of having used Eagle, ….because Eagle is intensely crystal clear, so I am watching the altium tutorial videos , and watching out for the things that were in Eagle……I think if I had not happened upon Eagle in the first place, then these altium training videos would have just been the gobbledegook that they seemed to be the first time round.
I wonder if the shortage of UK PCB layout designers is due to the fact that newcomers are being "bloodied" on Altium or some other high-end package....instead of the pure and beautifully clear Eagle.

Re: Why are simple PCBs difficult to lay out in "High-end" PCB layout packages?

No No and No.....
All PCB packages are clear if you bother to learn them.
From the further reading I would surmise that the problem is not with the PCB packages...

Re: Why are simple PCBs difficult to lay out in "High-end" PCB layout packages?

Dry, Marce, very dry, but not wrong.

Treez, if you are an accountant in a corporate setting you have probably got to know Sage (Even if you have others to do the data entry), quickbooks won't cut it, same thing here.

Regards, Dan.

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