Why {0{1'b0}} in verilog doesn't work?

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Member level 2
Nov 4, 2004
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verilog replication

hi all,
I found a strange problem in my design: I need to get the result of A*2^K, so I extend "A" by several 0s, like this:
K is a defined parameter in the module, it can be 0, 1, 2....
But, I found when I set K as 0, A will still be extended by 1 bit 0, that is, {0{1'b0}} is the same as {1{1'b0}}! Can anyone tell me why and how to solve it?
(I simulate my design by Modelsim 6.5g)
Thanks a lot!

replication in verilog

Instead of using {A,{K{1'b0}}} you can write A<<K;

replication verilog

ModelSim 6.5g ???

I see the same problem in ModelSim SE 6.2a. I also see a suspicious warning message: "Non-positive replication multiplier '0'"

The Verilog 2001 standard says this, so I think ModelSim is broken:

A replication operation may have a replication constant with a value of zero. This is useful in parameterized code. A replication with a zero replication constant is considered to have a size of zero and is ignored. Such a replication shall appear only within a concatenation in which at least one of the operands of the concatenation has a positive size.

non-positive replication multiplier

thanks nand_gate, it works!

my modelsim is 5.7g, sorry for my typo!
so it is clear that this is a modelsim's bug. Thank you for your verification and citation!

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