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who has achieved HB simulation for down-converter in ADS?

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Oct 21, 2003
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I want to perform a HB simulation with a down-converter which only included a lna, a mixer and a vco, the RF input is 2450MHz, the LO frequency will be the ouput of vco in HB simulation. There's some difficults to achieved it:

If I use "1 tone" HB and "Oscport" for vco oscillation, how to perform 2 tones HB for Mixer?

If I use "2 tones" HB for mixer harmonic frequency, It will disable the input RF signal automatically and seems difficult to get convergence for vco.

How to do HB simulation for the circuit included both mixer and vco?

Re: who has achieved HB simulation for down-converter in ADS

i think u can spicify the frequencies in HB , then spicfy the OSC and the RF ,
and see if it will work or not


Re: who has achieved HB simulation for down-converter in ADS

Thank you!

I have specified 2 frequencies 2450M and 2451M in HB, and then the RF signal uses 2450MHz; but the OSC's frequency is decided by the HB's simulation, it may be close to 2451M. I could not get convergency in this case.

If I run vco individually, it could get convergency and the oscillation frequency is about 2451M.

I want to combine vco and mixer for HB simulation, how to set?

Re: who has achieved HB simulation for down-converter in ADS

try to spicify single frequncy coz they are very close arround 1M
try to but the frequncy about 2450 or 2451
each one alone

and which ur circuit work :)

Re: who has achieved HB simulation for down-converter in ADS

I have already tried these, doesn't work!


Re: who has achieved HB simulation for down-converter in ADS


possible to post your schematic here so we can see what goes wrong?

Any error msg?

To you question about simulating both VCO and Mixer: No, ADS can't do that. I once email the support ppl regarding a self-oscillating mixer. They say HB can either do Osc or Mixer only.

Possible solution is to do HB on ur osc, record the pwr and freq of the tones. Set your LO (vco o/p) as a multitone source with the above pwr and freq in the mixer HB sim.

Re: who has achieved HB simulation for down-converter in ADS

Thank you!

I could achieved a partial down-converter simulation without real vco circuit enbeded.

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