Which type of RFID readers should I use to pinpoint the location?

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Newbie level 4
Aug 13, 2006
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i will doing my final year project regarding to RFID in location tracking system. Does anybody know about which type of RFID reader support this type of function, which mean it can show the actual location of an object that tagged with RFID tag in a building.

Re: RFID question


Your description is very cryptic.
You have to elaborate a bit more of what your envisaged targets are on range, encryption power etc , otherwise we cannot help you.

There are LOTS of different RFID systems around depending on the reading distance you are looking for.
short distance like < 10cm use 13.56 MHz
You also have systems on 135 kHz, 868 MHz, 914 MHz and 2.4 GHz.
They use different reading RF "powers" and can read to upmost about 4...5 meters.
If you need a very long range, you might need a battery powered tag or other and look to 868/900 MHz systems.


Re: RFID question


i repeat my question and make it clearer.
my project is about moving object tracking.
i wish to use RFID to impliment it.
so, i wish to know, does the RFID reader have the ability to tracking the moving object.
which mean RFID reader can figure out the real location of a moving object, and update it on a screen of a pc which connected to the RFID reader

Re: RFID question

The RFID applications I've been around wouldn't apply to what you want, but I believe there are Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) that utilize RFID in the process. The way we use RFID tags is for shipping and inventory, but the tags are either hand scanned or scanned as they come off the truck with a scanner that's no more than a few meters aways. That info is then updated on the server. I don't know that RFID is capable of being used to find the physical position of something like GPS. Is that what you're asking?

RFID question

yes.. u had answered my question.
as i know, using UHF RFID reader (900MHZ) + lacalization schem implementation can archieve what i wish to do.
but the problem is the reader cost about US$1400, is there any substitue for UHF RFID reader?

Re: RFID question

You can use different reader and antenna for moving object in building.
Also some reader can support up to 4 antenna which you can prevent more cost.
But as you said the UHF reader price is high. You can also use low range wireless transceiver, which is very cheap.

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