Which them is good! PIC or AVR?

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Aug 26, 2005
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pic vs avr

can anyone tell me i learn PIC or AVR assembly?
and why?

pic or avr

pic is the most famous for every one
because it has little cost for chip and for programing kit
it has large number of registers and it is easy to learn
while atmel is expensive for chip and programing kit
it has some registers can't accept immediate values in it

avr is better than pic or not

ceaser said:
it has some registers can't accept immediate values in it

Come on man, be serious ! Give me an example of MOV literal to f in PIC without going through W register. At least in AVR you have 16 registers you can load immediat with a constant. You want 32 ? Give me a reason for that.

We can talk hours about PIC and AVR but not this way.

avr vs pic low power

1)AVR is less expensive than PIC
2)You can find very good assembler,compilers for free.
3)PIC is copied from AVR
4)Actually AVR has 32 registers and very useful instruction set

pic czy avr


there are very inexpensive PICs, there are expensive PICs, same is true for AVRs (and HC08 and LPC900 and Silicon Labratories and ST7lite and ...)
PIC is copied from AVR that's a joke as PIC existed some years earlier than AVR and it would be a miserable copy all together.
AVR is the more modern architecture with single cycle execution and a nice set of devices. PICs are many similar architectures PIC12/14/16/18/24 with an even wider variety of peripherals and more selection than AVRs. Most pics need 4 clock cycles to execute one instruction, so a 20 MHz PIC runs as fast as a 5 MHz AVR.
PIC and AVR are both used in many hobby applications as well as in many professional designs.
The higher end PICs e.g. PIC18 have to be compared to ATMEGA and they are both too expensive because there are less expensive 32-bit solutions based on ARM 7, e.g. LPC2000 from Philips.
The smaller PICS and the TINY AVRs are cheaper and have only a few kb of flash.


avr instruction set easy to learn

They are both ABOUT the same. They are both good.
Just pick one and go with it.
Some people just want to start a flame war with their comments! Bob's comment seems accurate.

avr vs pic price comparison

Why assembly???
There are many compilers outside for high level languages...If you know C you know C for every microcontroller.

pic vs avr ease



Low cost
Easily Available
More Assembly friendly
More free tools available
More example projects and support.
Easy sampling


More C compiler friendly
More Instructions and more difficult to learn and Do in Assembly.
But best if you Do it In C
sampling difficult
faster than PIC
Costly than PIC

Many comparisons are based on my local situation.

And as a matter of fact

" All generalisations are wrong,Including this one"


14 pin pic devices

It doesnt really matter which controller you study PIC or AVR or any other.
Both are really easy and fun to learn and there is good development support tools available for both of them.

what is avr

How about develloping tools cost?

what is avr

I would use neither.

Have you checked out Zilog. Good 8 bit range XP,Encore and Accclaim(with an ethernet mac), Dev tools are Free. Dev kits available for all at low price.

Dont ingnore fact that ARM7 based micros are now <$5 . Check out Atmels SAM7 range or Philips LPC21XX. You can use open source tools for these. All you need is a JTAG pod(~100$)

Good Luck.


msp430 versus nanowatt


On that area I think AVR will score.

JTAGICE MKII supports almost all AVRs.
debugging using single wire through reset pin.

OLD version of this is available from third parties JTAGICE...Very cheep.

But many new chips are not supported in that version.

JTAGICE MKII supports all. but prized.!

But JTAG of AVR may be more powerfull debugger than ICD of PIC.

ICD is actually not halting during debug. But a software trick.

I think the debugging flexibility of JTAG OF AVR and ICD of PIC is something which to be discussed so that it can be helpfull..



Added after 2 minutes:

brendan99 said:
. All you need is a JTAG pod(~100$)

Good Luck.


What is it? Can we use it to debugg Keil MCB2130 board,Which uses LPC2138?


what is avr and pic


Good question to start a flame war...
I had to solve the same question in a company I work for. In the end I found the architecture similar on both sides with their pros and cons.
So I included the price for development tools, development boards, etc. and I went for Microchip. But you should think first how much you want invest in development, what is expected benefit and count in possible risks.

I went for PIC18Fxxxx series because we're small company developing small series of products. There is free preemptive RTOS for PIC18, cheap In Circuit Debugger/Programmer, cheap development boards and I'm happy with 10MIPS of computing power for our projects. IDE is free of charge as well and Linux tools also exist not mentioning learning curve and thousands of examples and projects. Power consumption in another reason to go for PIC thanks to their nanoWatt technology.

I believe that AVR guys are similarly motivated but these are simply my reasons I went for PICs

this is the best answer !!!

I think PiC is Better than AVR.
you should learn it first. the second is AVR

I have been working with PIC's for the past two years and i have found them really nice. They are easy to learn and work with. Another important thing is that they have a huge collection which vary in pin count from 6 pins to 84 pins and may be more. The instruction set is very compact and easy to learn as far as assembly programming is concerned. MPLAB has really matured into a state of the art tool and is free to users.
Last year i also started with AVR's. They have also got a plathora of features and in certain cases they are better than PIC's. e.g let us compare 16F877A with ATmega8535.

16F877 has got an MSSP module that can interface with serial eeproms or other devices that support SPI or IIC. The problem is that u can connect either an SPI or an IIC device to the controller.

ATmeaga8535 has got both an SPI and a TWI module that can independently interface with other devices.

The ADC of PIC devices can be configured in cetain predefined configurations i.e you cannot configure each pin independently as analog or digital(Though the latest 14 pin and 8 pin devices have solved this problem).

The ADC of the AVR devices can configure each pin to be analog or digital independently. Moreover they have got the additional advantage of having an interanl 2.56v reference in addition to the external reference.

But the conclusion in the end is that i have never preffered one microcontroller over another just because of there make. I select microcontrollers on the basis of my application. As i am planning to start working on Texas instruments MSP430 series of microcontrollers.


If u learn assembly first then u will have a good idea of optimazation of C-code. i prefer atleast you have good idea of assembly then switch direct to C or basic whatever u like but c is beeter than basic.

Systems Engineer

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