Which Pcb Software to use for PCB designing?????

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Nov 2, 2008
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I am doing a graduate final year project on PCB designing.Ii want to know which software is best,my advisor is going for protel 9 but i want to know more which will be best for my project which is designing of evaluation board with ISP using 8051 and AVR's.

Any suggestions and also i want links for learning Autocad.


As someone pointed out here recently there is no 'best' software. Decisions are made on cost, features, ease of use. I use Eagle but it is not 'better' than others, it just gives me the features I need at a cost I feel is reasonable.


A good (for you) PCB SW has the (most) features / tools what you need! These is all!
Only one problem; you can not find it; than it needs lot of practice & lot time & possibilites to "play" with te tested over some time & in your applications...
Short time befor I tested a portion for sombody at Eda from Proteus; I dont know it, but thes was not unsimpatic for me, & relative cheap...
You can have some pakets ; as PCB123, Target(?)3001 From Ingeneurbüro Friedrich; abs. free, they must be good paket too_I dont know it.
To work on all "big systems" you needs schools/seminars_these are expensive & the SWs too!!
Past year has Altium a total new price politic; yet is only for good 3K $ to have_is surly one of most actuell PCB-SWs...

Seldom discussed, but very important for you efficiency; how usable is the delivered library, can yo buy from 3th vendor too, what is price, is to create new library elements simple or can you forget it? And so on...

Altium has some nice PCB layout features. I like the 3D tools which might be of interest to you for your project. There are some tutorials included in the package help system.

OrCAD would be my second choice.


KiCAD is free and opensource.
Amr Ali

If you are right; for a beginner is Altium to complex too, if dont have a course: SW is practically unusable_as the most others too!
I was 2 weeks age on a short Altium course_we are yet in the selection phase for PCB SW buying_ If I will work with that: I will become surly problems; but it has tutorials & help, PLUS you need TIME_ as for others too
We will buy possible Altium, but I have an older PCAD yet-its OK_sorry that no more supported is...
OrCad schema is I think OK, but PCB isnt a wise thing...
All "Big-Systems"; Allegro, Cadence, Mentor, Redac_has complex user system/interface, are exxpensiver as you need & have lot of features, that you need to pay, but mosten not in your job...
Btw; in a complex PCB you have to work with High Speed Diff. Impedance Lines, Memory Routing, Delay-Time Equalisations = YOU MUST HAVE Allegro/Altium or Mentor_nothing helps for you! :-(

I started with Eagle CAD from cadsoft(free) and then moved up to Altium which as others have said is a lot more complex.

Re: Which Pcb Software to use for PCB designing

I have been evaluating WinQcad and I have a few questions. Please forgive me if these questions are to elementary. 1. Can someone define what "pin limit" is? 2. How do you define the size of a circuit board?

thanks for your help

You can also use Orcad.I am using this software.It is easy one.
i also use Altium and find difficult as compare to Orcad.

Learn Protel 99se?
I can offer you a tips and lead you to faster way in understand
pcb design procedures and able to start finish pcb design jobs
in a short while.
If you are interested pls write a mail to
MOD: Why not share it in open forum? Start a Protel tutorial section and share your knowledge. Keep bussiness intentions in "https://www.edaboard.com/forums/92/"
OR "". Next time i see you advertising or to contcat your mail, you'll be banned.

i am mostly using eagle, i would like to know protel99

Hi raju,
Protel 99 is a old SW, pls forget it. Same as PCAD >>It will be no more supported!
I have had some designs with 99SE, but so 10 years ago, these is no more to learn :-(
You have much newer & cheap systems on market, some are free & not bad ...

Protel is now Altium Designer. It's a mid-class professional tool, but competing not bad compared to some high end products.

Hi Frank,
Yea, I know, but we are spoking over Protel99, its the old one product from year 1998 and these is not more actual_in my opinion...
Yea, I thank that to write too...
I checked Proteus in part for somebody from Eda, some weeks ago, my resume was too, that its a sympatic system, some thing between old PCAD & Protel_for me, but their prices are very acceptable!!
Better is, for me Target 3001, - a free packet, with good features, but I did not used both systems...

but we are spoking over Protel99, its the old one product from year 1998 and these is not more actual_in my opinion...
Yes, but as with most other PCB tools, the basic conecpts of Protel haven't changed much when turning into Altium
Designer. So when you know Protel99, you know an important part of Altium Designer, though not the new features.

This strong continuity can be found with most design tools. If you look at a recent Cadstar Version, you'll recognize most
concepts and object names of the 25 year old RACAL-Redac REDCAD DOS predecessor, that changed the name
to CADSTAR about 20 years ago.

I must believe it for you , sorry but I know in details nowadays only PCAD (over 20 years worked with them), but their has strong other structures become with buying of Accel, than later the next changes at Altium...
So far I worked (for relative short time) in an post gradual school with Mentor, its Workstation packets are same; strong others as the newer PC versions, but all min. 10 years ago and I dont know in details...

KP said:
Learn Protel 99se?
I can offer you a tips ...pls write a mail to kptan_2006(at)yahoo.co.uk
Why do not you make your offering public please _OR IS IT REPEATEDLY NOT (full) FREE!?
If these is matching to topic`s subject; usual their are some other readers/interests here too...

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