Newbie level 5

would like to ask if anyone has links/references to basic of ota, especially current-mirror ota used in the bioamplifier (like the one used by harrison in his paper for neural amplifier)
one of the thing i want to know is the gain bandwidth equation, which i was told as gm/CL. but when it is compared to two stage op amp, which gbw is equal to gm/Cc, the ota has larger gbw than the 2-stage op amp, although CL>Cc.
another thing that i want to know is the strength/weakness of the ota compared to two stage. all i know is the difference in driving the load.
for the effort of helping me... thanks in advance[/i]
one of the thing i want to know is the gain bandwidth equation, which i was told as gm/CL. but when it is compared to two stage op amp, which gbw is equal to gm/Cc, the ota has larger gbw than the 2-stage op amp, although CL>Cc.
another thing that i want to know is the strength/weakness of the ota compared to two stage. all i know is the difference in driving the load.
for the effort of helping me... thanks in advance[/i]