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Where can I get some free PCB libraries?

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Advanced Member level 3
Oct 24, 2005
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Florida, USA
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are there collected free PCB libraries?
(i am interested in cadence allegro and capture-cis files)
-schematic component
-simulation models

The Altium has a huge amount of libraries included to the software,
The allegro almost doesnt have anything. some companies make libraries for money, but i am interested in a free one.

yes, i know and i have the FPM library generator. its good, but it doesnt have everything.

for example connector footprints (the worst footprints for a designer, with too many mechanical dimensions), complex-ic-schematic-parts...

is there a library sharing community? it would be so obvious to have one.

freepcb libraries

You may want to consider OrCad. Below you will find a link, which may be of interest

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    Points: 2
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rj45 allegro cis part

thanx. i registered.
but where can i find allegro PCB libraries? mostly for standard/not_standard connectors.

freepcb library

buenos said:
thanx. i registered.
but where can i find allegro PCB libraries? mostly for standard/not_standard connectors.

if your allegro has skill licensed, and running under windows platform, try my Footprint Maker for Allegro, I have over 3000+ components, it's totally free:)
here is the link:

the new version will come out soon. (about version 0.10....finally I am out of 0.0x :D)

BTW: don't try "batch generate...", I already disable this feature in later version.

orcad rj45 library

"yes, i know and i have the FPM library generator. its good, but it doesnt have everything. "

for example it doesnt have too may types of connectors. standard connectors, like normal headers(without plastic around it, with all usual pinnumbers, from 1...80), and IDC type headers. also some USB, PS2, D-sub, BNC...

and for the SSOP packages: normally there are different variants on the market: the body width can be very different, when other parameters are the same. in the FPM, for some pitch/pinnumber only one body width is available (or nearly same width, with 1-5%difference).
or maybe i am wrong and those packages are not that diverse, just others.

but anyway, i like it. its good thet you made it, and that its free.

idc allegro footprint

buenos said:
"yes, i know and i have the FPM library generator. its good, but it doesnt have everything. "

for example it doesnt have too may types of connectors. standard connectors, like normal headers(without plastic around it, with all usual pinnumbers, from 1...80), and IDC type headers. also some USB, PS2, D-sub, BNC...

and for the SSOP packages: normally there are different variants on the market: the body width can be very different, when other parameters are the same. in the FPM, for some pitch/pinnumber only one body width is available (or nearly same width, with 1-5%difference).
or maybe i am wrong and those packages are not that diverse, just others.

but anyway, i like it. its good thet you made it, and that its free.

glad to see you've tried that, :)
for the generic connectors, in the grid you can add as many as you want for the pin-number, for example: row from 1-4, colum from 1...80, meanwhile you may change the pitch between those pins, I also do have "no plastic around" connectors:), if you have different type of generic connector, different row, colum, pitch, ..... you may hit "Add" button to add your new group of connector.

for the USB, PCI, PS2, RJ-45/RJ-11, that's true I don't have so many customized components avaiable, I still try to give you some chance to add your new SKILL file to implement that. (for this case, you have to know some basic concept of skill language), check the source code in "customized component"

like generic connector, all other type of components(i.e. SSOP) can be modified or add a new one. if you have new components from your datasheet, just "add" then fill the specific dimension in the data grid. then click "Allegro", you will create the new one in few seconds. (include all type of pads, flashes, silkscreen/assembly outline, device file...)


as i can see there are plastic-around and naked connectors as well, in the same list. but i can see the difference only when i already have generated the symbols. something in the list should show which type is it. at least in the description.
but the drawing doesnt show some parameters, like A, B, GA, GB. it should be on the explaining-drawing. And in the plastic-around type: is it a standard IDC type? or something else? I alittle explanation about the 0-values would be also good.

and what is pin-from, and pin-to? why isnt it just pins-x, pins-y? its not very clear.

and it would be good to have a copy function: to make easier making new footprints, without typing all the dimensions all the time for each new footprints. just copy an existing one, and then change one parameter. the edit>copy and edit>paste doesnt work in this aspect.

i dont want to say that your program is bad... just these things could be improofed a littlebit.

rj45 library for orcad

buenos said:
as i can see there are plastic-around and naked connectors as well, in the same list. but i can see the difference only when i already have generated the symbols. something in the list should show which type is it. at least in the description.
but the drawing doesnt show some parameters, like A, B, GA, GB. it should be on the explaining-drawing. And in the plastic-around type: is it a standard IDC type? or something else? I alittle explanation about the 0-values would be also good.

and what is pin-from, and pin-to? why isnt it just pins-x, pins-y? its not very clear.

and it would be good to have a copy function: to make easier making new footprints, without typing all the dimensions all the time for each new footprints. just copy an existing one, and then change one parameter. the edit>copy and edit>paste doesnt work in this aspect.

i dont want to say that your program is bad... just these things could be improofed a littlebit.

haha, good suggestion!

I already add the copy function in new version. you don't need to type all the dimensions all the time.
but this new version is still under testing. hope will out soon.

sorry about my unclear meaning of "pin-from / pin-to", I was try to limit the chars in that grid, my original meaning of that is "pin number generate FROM xx to xx", because I use skill to generate, so I only need this two field( FROM and TO) to make the table smaller.(if all other parameters are the same).

due to my poor english-skill( I am chinese guy even live in Montreal), it's take time to make a well-documented help file, maybe I will improve that someday later, (I am preparing a tutorial in moving.... I hope one movie show thousands of words.)

orcad footprint library rj45 female

its still not clear:
so then for a connector, how much is "row:pin_from:pin_to" ?
for these 2 examples:
-dual row, 2x7pin (all 14 pins) ?:?:?
-single row, 1x5pin ?:?:?

pcb mount rj45 altium file

buenos said:
thanx. i registered.
but where can i find allegro PCB libraries? mostly for standard/not_standard connectors.

Recently, I've started two more groups like OrCADexchange for Allegro and PADS:
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**broken link removed**

socket rj45 orcad library

but those are empty

altium rj45 footprint

buenos said:
its still not clear:
so then for a connector, how much is "row:pin_from:pin_to" ?
for these 2 examples:
-dual row, 2x7pin (all 14 pins) ?:?:?
-single row, 1x5pin ?:?:?

example in the picture:

the connectors are all have 3 rows, but the colum number will be from 4 to 10.
means it will create 7 components totaly as below:

HDR200M-3X4 (total 12pins)
HDR200M-3X5 (total 15pins)
HDR200M-3X6 (total 18pins)
HDR200M-3X7 (total 21pins)
HDR200M-3X8 (total 24pins)
HDR200M-3X9 (total 27pins)
HDR200M-3X10 (total 30pins)

for the "single" row (row number = 1 ), if col FROM 3 TO 80, will create 78 connectors.

for the "double" row (row number = 2 ), if col FROM 2 TO 40, will create 39 connectors.

and so on :D

allegro footprint dsub

ok. thanx.
this was really not obvious that it generates more components for the headers, and 1 component for other types.

so, thats why the connector was jumping and growing on the screen.

free library pcb

buenos said:
ok. thanx.
this was really not obvious that it generates more components for the headers, and 1 component for other types.

so, thats why the connector was jumping and growing on the screen.

finally you got it, I am so sorry to get you confused.

you know what? the initial reason why I build such tool is because of those stupid connectors! I hate to generate such multiple connectors manually one-by-one! (low-level repeat work, I am not a machine!). after I build FPM, the generic connector is not a issue anymore, but now I have to face a lot of other question: BGA, silkscreen outline, properties, GUI, speed, bug-fixing, coding........because many people are asking me to do that! :D

BTW: what time is it now at your place? looks you're not sleeping at all? :D

rj45 footprint library for altium designer


I have an e-book Complete PCB Design Using OrCad Capture and Layout by K. Mitzer. I wanted to know if I can upload it to your site, or is this not approprate? If you would like it, please provide me with instructions, how to up-load it.

P/S Kender is a very Knowledgeable person with OrCad and Microcontrollers.


pcb silkscreen earth symbol

no thank you.
i dont put illegal book copies to my website, however i have lots of them on DVDs.
there is a forum here on edaboard, where you can upload books: you should try it.

and I want to use allegro for PCB design, not layout+. Now i am using Altium, but changing to allegro+captureCIS

Added after 2 minutes:

i am not in Canada, but in western Europe. Around 6-7 hours later here than at your place.

orcad library for rj45

tvincent said:
I have an e-book Complete PCB Design Using OrCad Capture and Layout by K. Mitzer. I wanted to know if I can upload it to your site, or is this not appropriate?

Vincent, thanks for the offer. My site is hosted by Yahoo, which has a very severe copyright policy. They shoot first and talk later. I have this book too from the edaboard, and I was thinking about uploading it to OrCADexchange, but I decided no to do it. In stead I can just post a link to the edaboard thread where this can be downloaded (from edaboard directly or from rapindshare).

Re: Free pcb libraries

So what happened? Is FPM under any development anymore?

---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 PM ----------

So what happened? Is FPM under any development anymore?

Sorry, wrong thread :)

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