Where can I download Linux Fedora core 4?

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Member level 4
Apr 5, 2007
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hoping all of friends enjoying their health.
i want to download linux fedora core 4 that is in 4 cds from market. plz give me the link or url so that i may be able to download it from website directly.


Here is the link for 4 CDs:

**broken link removed**

You should download:

FC4-i386-disc1.iso 635M
FC4-i386-disc2.iso 638M
FC4-i386-disc3.iso 638M
FC4-i386-disc4.iso 630M

Rescue CD is optional and is not necessary for installation.

Happy Fedora-stallation

Re: Download

QMA said:
hoping all of friends enjoying their health.
i want to download linux fedora core 4 that is in 4 cds from market. plz give me the link or url so that i may be able to download it from website directly.

When the latest is Fedora Core9 and this given free with many Magazines.
I fear, there is no point in downloading. It consumes lot of time and bandwidth.

Re: Download

--> thanx Fiquran
but i am getting a message
'530 login incorrect'
and it is asking me login/username and password
can u help me on this matter

Added after 50 minutes:

--> Sarma

dear sarma
plz tell me the no of some magazines. Or the URL of such magazines so that i should order them or i could ask for cds

waiting for reply


I don't know why, but it really does so. Anyway, you can try other mirrors. Which country are you from? Here is a fast mirror to download:


* -> t

By the way, sarma is right about Fedora 9 is much better, I guess you have a specific purpose downloading Fedora 4 Core.

Re: Download

--> fiquran
i am from pakistan and i want some links of magazines so that i can order them or i can download the software directly.

Added after 5 minutes:

i am a student. i want to learn linux. i have book fedora 4 bible. that is why i wanted to get its software.


Well all direct links are dead
but there are a few torrent links alive
check this site:
U'll need a torrent client
for win32 U can use utorrent from utorrent.com
but U're better of getting the latest fedora even if U have an older book

Added after 4 minutes:

And here is a direct ftp link to the iso's
it's a Japanese mirror and it contains bouth the DVD and the CD releases of Fedora Core 4

Re: Download

--> III
i have understood it. plz provide me the link of Fedora 9 to download it.


**broken link removed**
a direct link to the DVD iso:
**broken link removed**

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