Member level 4

Hi everyone. I am designing a circuit for IQ modulator, covering from 3.8GHz to 4GHz. The LO power is about +5dBm. However, when the LO power, ie. 0dBm, is fed to the LO input port, there is some energy showing in the ouput port about -70dBm, even in case I cut off the power of the whole circuit. The outputport is also SMA type. The smallest signal I have to provide from the output port is about -85dBm. Then I am sure that the -85dBm can't be achieved. When I use an open end cable, touching the ground shielding box, there is also some energy about -56dBm in the neigborhood ground of the input port, and about -60dBm in the neigborhood ground of the output port. These two ports are separated by a metal wall. What is the energy showing in/on the ground?
How can I realize the -85dBm output?
There is some tiny or minor clearence between the metal wall and the ground plane of the PCB. Is this clearence that ruins the isolation?
I have used the microwave absorption material, which did not work at all.
Would someone like to help me? Any reply is welcome.
How can I realize the -85dBm output?
There is some tiny or minor clearence between the metal wall and the ground plane of the PCB. Is this clearence that ruins the isolation?
I have used the microwave absorption material, which did not work at all.
Would someone like to help me? Any reply is welcome.