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what types of ceramic capacitor can i use with 20Mhz crystal in pic16f877a mc?

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Where do you want to use this capacitor?

If it's as load for the crystal oscillator itself, you should read the datasheet for the processor, and also take a look at the crystal specification.

You should find the capacitance value range and preferred dielectric there.

I want to use this capacitor with 20MHz crystal in PIC16F877A microcontroller. The specific value of capatitor is 0.1uf. But i have no 0.1uf ceramic capacitor so i one to use another one instead of it.

There's no known circuit that uses a 100 nF capacitor "with 20MHz crystal in PIC16F877A". In case of doubt review the datasheet, particularly chapter 14.2 Oscillator Configurations. Thus your question can't be answered, we have to asume a misunderstanding.
I want to use this capacitor with 20MHz crystal in PIC16F877A microcontroller. The specific value of capatitor is 0.1uf. But i have no 0.1uf ceramic capacitor so i one to use another one instead of it.

If you talk about the two capacitors used at the crystal itself, a value of around 22pF should be correct. If you look at page 146 in the PIC16F87xA datasheet, you will see the recommended values to be in the range 15-33pF

If you talk about decoupling capacitors for the circuit with a 20MHz frequency I would use a combination of 100nF and 10nF close to the processor and 100nF on support logic.
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