What simulator is better HSPICE or SPECTRE ?

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Full Member level 6
Nov 17, 2004
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simulation spectre divergence

What simulator is better HSPICE or SPECTRE ?
For analog design ?
For mixed design ?

Parameters for comparison:
The friendly interface

Hspice advantages:
1- accuracy (includes very good algorithms to do convergence)
2- functinality
3- just for analog circuits

Hspice disadvantages:
1- user enemy environment or interface (does not include a schematic editor)
2- slower than Spectre because of accuracy

Spectre Advantages:
1- better user interface
2- mixed circuits simulation
3- faster than Hspice


Many said that HSPICE is more accurate than spectre,But from the view of algorithm ,they are the same.

I think the accuracy between Hspice and Specture are same . But in convergence point of view, Hspice often lead to unconvergence problem when simulate large circuit size.

the accuracy depond on you simulation option value.
I believe the SPECTRE is better for the speed and convergence

for high freqeuncy simulation go for Spectre.

I thought they are almost same.Now $ynposys has added the schematic entry for the tool,it can also do analog mixed simulation.
But for RF toolkit,spectre has very strong capability.Though you may also try @DS tools for RF design

CDRCDR said:
I thought they are almost same.Now $ynposys has added the schematic entry for the tool,it can also do analog mixed simulation.
But for RF toolkit,spectre has very strong capability.Though you may also try @DS tools for RF design
could you tell me which version of HSPICE include schematic entry ?

I much prefer HSPICE as it based on script that you can modify as you want.
But my favorite simulator remains ELDO, as accurate as HSPICE, as fast as Spectre, many useful command such .DEFUNC : function definition!

CDRCDR said:
I thought they are almost same.Now $ynposys has added the schematic entry for the tool,it can also do analog mixed simulation.
But for RF toolkit,spectre has very strong capability.Though you may also try @DS tools for RF design

em..never know that HSpice comes with schematic editor. Do you mind to tell me what's the binary name? I used to use HSpice with Cosmos SE which is a custom layout schematic editor from Synopsys.

people say spectre gives less convergence/divergence problems. In my experience, it's the contrary. Spectre failed on my several times and HSPICE has not on the same design and testbench. Go figure.

From what i know, the algorithm in Hspice and spectre are not the same. Hspice is more accurate, spectre is beeter in converge.

By the way, spectre interface is very friendly, though i did not use it.

<<The designer's guide to Spice &Spectre>> may be helpful

hspice is industrial language that all of the simulators support it.
then I think hspice is better than spectre.Beside hspice the other simulators like spectre, eldo,...are helpful.

Yes, hspice is the benchmark of most of the fab's model. Most of the simulator have to compare their result with hspice to show their accuracy

hspice more accuracy while spectre has more function

How hspice use for rf simulation?

I just want to know which company makes SPECTRE ?

I think they just have different model's type.
for IC5,both of the spice &spectra can be used.

Well I do not want to be too cynical but to me the best one is the one which a) company provides, b) models are extracted for
anything alse is just question of personal preferences.

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