What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn DSP?

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Newbie level 5
Jun 10, 2006
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hi evreyone,
i want to know what kind of mathmatics and physics i need to know to have an in-depth knowledge in Digital Signal Processing.(book names if possible).I have no background in engineering.i'm a student at the faculty of commerce and a programmer.
i have seen two books named Introuduction to mathmatics and Advanced Mathmatics i think for Openhiem or Shieffer.
so can anyone recommend a good book for learning whatever i need to have a good firm on DSP??

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

Get 'Signal and Systems' by Oppenheim to start.
Text is more or less comprehensive but still knowledge of higher maths will be benificial.

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

Linear algebra, Fourier transformation and basic statistics will be enough.

Openhiem is the bible for DSP. highly recommended.


Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

try this book

Digital Signal Processing by J G Proakis and Manoalkis

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

For DSP and other related stuff you should mainly focus on transforms because there we are mainly concerned with the frequency domain and the time domain models.
So I will suggest you to go through Laplace Transform, Fourier Transform, Z domain transforms,
For elementry level go through complex numbers.

Shaikh Sarfraz

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

It is better you learn signals and systems before you try DSP. It would be more useful and make DSP easy. I would suggest you to revise fourier series, calculus, LT, z-transform and matrix theory.

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

if u think coding is fun along with learning the basics of DSP then Sanjit.k.mitra is really a beginner's book.u will require to brush z-transforms, fourier transforms & series,synthetic division.

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

For me the most usefull :
DSP a practical approach by Jerwis & Ifeachor

Not too much mathematics... It explains physical meaning of equations, whih is most important in DSP...

there is no need to read special maths for dsp.u read the book by openheim or proakis directly.

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

I agree with the comment that it would be great to learn signals and systems before you learn dsp for a deeper understanding of the underlying math you will encounter. Otherwise you will be just learning a bunch of rules and algorithms without understanding the basis that ties them together. Signals and systems would require integral calculus.

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

there is no need of physics for DSP
but U hav to knw much abt integration and sumation functions

start with signals and systems by oppenheim and schaffer

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

For advanced stuff, like Array Signal Processing...you will need Linear Algebra.

Best Way to Learn: Watch Gilbert Strang's video lectures on MIT OpenCourseWare,

and pick up his book....

similarly you could just watch the Signals & Systems lectures and then DSP lectures on webcast.berkeley.edu.

Hope this helps.

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

(1) Signals & Systems (Convolution, LTI system, Laplace Transform, Fourier Transform, Fourier Series)

(2) Linear Algebra (good to have)

(3) Complex Analysis

(4) Probability & Random Processes

Good Luck


I think this is one of good book to study DSP Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing - by Todd K. Moon (Author), Wynn C. Stirling (Author)

Knowledge of Maths and Physics is essential in Engineering. You can study Engineering Mathematics and Engineering Physics. Borrow these books from your friend who is studying in Engineering college.

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

Linear Algebra, Probability , Complex Analysis, and for more advanced understanding Control Theory..

Re: What kind of Mathmatics and Physics do i need to learn D

i think you should know sth about differential eguation and difference equation. matrix analysis also is needed.

Need this book too
mathematical methods and algorithms for signal processing"
by Todd K.Moon and Wynn C. Stirling

I find this book:
"mathematical methods and algorithms for signal processing"
by Todd K.Moon and Wynn C. Stirling
please HELPED me

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