What is the replacement for GAL chip ?

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Feb 13, 2004
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I'm new to GALs. I want to ask if that chip is outdated?

What is its replacement -> FPGA?

Also, is FPGA cheap?

Re: GAL and FPGA

GAL is pretty outdated.

GAL and FPGA are two different things. About as much difference between a bycicle and a Ferrary. PAL is a SPLD (simple programmable logic device). An FPGA is like a super-boosted PLD.

Replacements for the GAL, you still have a few choices, look at AMD for example, their PAL, like PALCE22V10. Though, if you have a bit file for a GAL, it may not be compatible with PAL. The source code probably is though.

Re: GAL and FPGA

they have been replaced with EPLD ..( medium size ) not FPGA
But not as a COMERCIAL PRODUCT .. they are still sold to maintain hundreds of products in production !
So they will be there .. Now to start a new designs?..i think is safe to do it with an altera product or with an 22v10 .. This product ENCOMPASSES all GALS so this guy has become some kind of standart like the NE555 or 741
To tell you the truth ..In these times of incertainty .. A lot of companies are closing or at least dropping manufacture of some products. We have lost so many goog solutions in the last 3 years ..LEAVING PLENTY OF NICHES AGAIN..
I myself am doing a design right now ,And the PERFECT product for it DESAPEARED ..( one single chip solution) . So now i have to GO BACK in time and do it with 3 to 5 chips .. and all the power issues and a more expensive PRODUCT .. i don't like it !!!!!

Re: GAL and FPGA

GALS are oudated but are still useful to make simple logic systems. FPGAs are a lot more complex, you can even run Microprocesors on them.

Re: GAL and FPGA..... Why not a microcontroller????

Hello all.
For a simple logic design when the speed is not the main requirement another option can be one of the new flash microcontrollers like pic or avr, etc..
Your logic becomes a programm.
And they can be in circuit programmed.....etc.. etc..
Whith 20MHz clocks it becomes one option more...

Re: GAL and FPGA

Every device has its appropriate application,

for simple logic implementation, GAL is sufficient,

but for very complex design, for emample

communication protocol control, GAL can't

do it, you can use FPGA.

best regards

Buddy said:

I'm new to GALs. I want to ask if that chip is outdated?

What is its replacement -> FPGA?

Also, is FPGA cheap?

Re: GAL and FPGA

GAL is pretty outdated.

GAL and FPGA are two different things. About as much difference between a bycicle and a Ferrary. PAL is a SPLD (simple programmable logic device). An FPGA is like a super-boosted PLD.

Re: GAL and FPGA


GALs are small density PLDs and FPGA are high density PLDs.

In some cases GALs are efficient than FPGAs. As small density devices they can achieve higer working frequencies than FPGAs. Also delays in GALs are less than overall delays in FPGAs.

So if you need some high speed glue logic (e.g. high speed memory address decoder with 3.5ns latency) or some high speed state machine (at 166MHz) use GALs.

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