Newbie level 6

I'm just doing a power spectral density (PSD) analysis of a signal in time domain. I'm following the fft method described in :
It gives the real physical unit for the PSD. However, the unit is "power", is that mean "V^2/Hz"?
If yes, then I take 10*log10(power) or 10*log10(V^2/Hz), do I get the unit of "dB/Hz"?
Then how can I convert it to dBm/MHz?
Thank you very much!
It gives the real physical unit for the PSD. However, the unit is "power", is that mean "V^2/Hz"?
If yes, then I take 10*log10(power) or 10*log10(V^2/Hz), do I get the unit of "dB/Hz"?
Then how can I convert it to dBm/MHz?
Thank you very much!