what is hot-topic in digital design now?

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Design for testability is also gaining importance

take part in the implemenation of a fashional mobile phone.
Then can learn the all above technoloies.


SATA to ethernet and MP3 encoder and decoders
and also H.264 are hot designs

eexuke said:
Can anybody share any idea? I think SoC maybe one.


I think the following :

1. reuse design including SoC platform
2. design for verification
3. low-power design


indeed SDR (software defined radio) and cognitive radio.

Don't argue what is hot or cold. Just build up your base knowledge and ability. Keep passionate about technology. Nomatter what you focus on, try your best, and you will think it is hot for you.

yes ...well said wkong!!

keep ur basics strong ..

Asic design,Synthesis and DFT is very hot today.
PCI -express and DSP

In my view it is analog design.becoz at the bottom ths wht decides all.

paperless AP invoice workflow is the hottest topis in the digital designs as of now

Reconfigurable SoCs
Reusable design methodologies
Low-power techniques
Fault tolerance

i think verification is hot and also fpga based desing with DSP is also there now.

I think now a days formal verification is the hot topic in atleast verification field...

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