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What is an ASCII file in pcb layout?

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What is an ASCII file in pcb layout?

Is it the file that has the exact coordinates and rotational orientation of all the components?
If i move the tracks, but leave the components (pads) in the same place, then would the ASCII file stay the same?
Does the ASCII file get used by the PCB assembly staff so that they know where to place which components?

Thankyou, i know what "ASCII" stands for.
-and i know what an "ASCII" charactor is.

I was wondering what an "ASCII" file means in the world of PCB layout?
It must mean only one thing, because several PCB houses ask for "ASCII files" -they dont ask for certain types of ASCII files, They just ask for "ASCII files", and expect us to know what that means.

Why are ASCII files for PCB layout so shrouded in secrecy?
I asked Eagle Pro staff if Eagle provides ASCII files, and they said no -but it does.
If you google "ASCII files in PCB layout", you get basically nothing or incoherent articles.

It isn't "shrouded in secrecy" - PCB files are usually well defined and have more descriptive names and titles such as RS274X, ODB++ or Excellon. You need to get the person asking for an "ASCII" file what the purpose is and what machine it is for.


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