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What is a good Pic Basic compiler?

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crownhill proton + basic compiler

I have tried sereral Basiccompilers for the pic. Most compilers had bugs..or compile very large sode for simply instructions...
Anyone know what's a good compiler?

proton mikrobasic pic basic comparison

Have you used PicBasic Pro? The
newer the version, the tighter the
produced code seems to be. With 2.33
the generated code is often as small
(or smaller) than my own ASM code (which
I'm still struggling to learn).

Which BASIC compilers have you tried?


ch flash basic

i can give some good tips to learn asm fast

1) make idiot cards {i have several}
they are all over the walls i made a tape with just a list of the commands and a routene about there routine a good explination
followed by a tape of a microchip lecture {they send you free anywhere a disk set if you ask them via the web on it is a few lectures on asm}

may i say that this company in
THEE most helpfull comany of good old usa
and i mean it a close second is analogue

so make a tape or cd rom and play it till it completely makes you sick
then put it asside and read a book on c++
to see what commnads look similar or do the same thing

like having two dictionary's to learn a language not one
also the command description is like a mixture between a desctripton and what you must add

a shape every language has one

"structure" then go back to the tape or cd for a week to refresh

you know have it in your subconcious

this time do it awake infront of the cpu while you look to an advanced destription
the idiot card and the large mug of coffee
you make before you takle
a small project
then a bigger one

then if your wife and kids {or cat or dog or mother} leaves you alone long enough

it becomes a bit like fishing

and very pleasurable to write

so iron out the wrinkle on your forehead

and dont work fast
to avoid errors work a bit like a news man

and an avertising agent

this is where pic basic was born

collect the code blocks you know and use
int convinient macros many ide and compilers support them in many c and even hex

{dont be scard to learn to program in hex it can be fun too
and quite a challange

the first sort of language i learned
was sinclair scientific calculator
"brainless but not much more stupid than a pic infact basicaly the same "

asm is easy as long as you learn the stucture of a lanuguage by its detract connections

just like a compiler in reverse

arabic basic compiler

Write Your Own ?

best picbasic compiler

Hey why are you so much intrested in basic compiler for PIC ?

Disadvantages of Basic compiler is non portable code unless you have basic compiler for other arch.

Try to use c compiler for writting portable code. In most cases you will find a good or bad C compiler for all uC arch.



ch flash basic for pic

I think that the Melabs Picbasic Pro compiler is the best one for pics
but new letbasic compiler.....

basic compilers for pic

I think it is the best choice!

best pic basic compiler

I'm using microEngineering Labs PicBasicPRO 2.40
In my mind is the best

crownhill proton picbasic

Also Ch flash basic compiler is a good compiler.

ch flash basic compiler for picmicros


Is the IAR Pic C-Compiler better then the Pic Basic Pro one ? (into Code size), and
does someone have a link to it?


oshonsoft basic compiler

Agree with Freddy

explanation of proton + basic compiler


I want crack for "CH flash basic 1.7 " copplier .
Pls help .

crownhill proton suite

It can ve changed according to everone's classical programming choices. For example i love basic routines therefore i like picbasic.

best basic compiler for pic


Here is review for PIC BASIC PRO
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Pharaoh Of Egypt

pic basic compiler oshonsoft

One advantage of PICBasic and PICBasic Pro is the large number of after market tutorial and project books available.

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Has an example of several.

code designer pic basic

if you use Pic Basic Plus compileur (C*r*o*w*n*h*i*l*l)
you can debug basic source in P*r*o*t*e*u*s V*S*M

look L*a*b*c*e*n*t*e*r's page


free picbasic compiler

Hi people ,

I think the best choice is PIC BASIC PRO COMPILER and u can get an IDE interface for it from called CD LITE.................

PLus u can down load its compiler in pdf or html form this site aswell........

if any one need it just send me a mail I will upload it upon request.......

Bye..... :)

compiler crownhill

it is NOT true that pic basic pro produces "non-transferable" code. in the compiler options of version 2.42 you can select "produce assembly code".

for sh*ts and giggles, you can also produce the assembly code right after the basic code (which you wrote) so you can see the difference. great learning tool!!!!

for more info on this subject read the pic basic pro compiler manual found at w*


comparing proton compiler with other compilers

I think picbasic plus is the best, and picbasic pro is the second one. I tried picbasic pro but now i'm using hitech c compiler. I think good choice is picbasic plus.

top rated basic compiler

For a more detailed comparison between Pro and Plus! Click

**broken link removed**

for a Flash presentation.

I vote for PicBasic Pro!!!

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