Member level 2

I hav made a circuit that shifts between the output of tow relays to run the DC motor in CWand anti clock wise direction
wat i do is that i hav written a program in 89S51 that toggles its output 1-0 and 0-1 on port2 ( pin 21 and 22)
these pins are the connected to the latch that drives the relay with BJT in between
the circuit was running fine with very little problem( a wrong connection)
so wat happend wen i rectified the connection
the program of the controller runs fine if no latch attached
if i place the latch in between the pin 22 stops toggling and the pin is continusly at 0V
i m unable to pick the problem
please help wat cud be the probable cause
to mention i have checked the circuit by removin u-controller and gave latch direct input with either polarity the circuit rumnnig fine
please help
I hav made a circuit that shifts between the output of tow relays to run the DC motor in CWand anti clock wise direction
wat i do is that i hav written a program in 89S51 that toggles its output 1-0 and 0-1 on port2 ( pin 21 and 22)
these pins are the connected to the latch that drives the relay with BJT in between
the circuit was running fine with very little problem( a wrong connection)
so wat happend wen i rectified the connection
the program of the controller runs fine if no latch attached
if i place the latch in between the pin 22 stops toggling and the pin is continusly at 0V
i m unable to pick the problem
please help wat cud be the probable cause
to mention i have checked the circuit by removin u-controller and gave latch direct input with either polarity the circuit rumnnig fine
please help