what are the library modules in tetramax

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Member level 2
Oct 1, 2010
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california, usa
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i am trying to run tetramax after compiling my design using a DFT compiler but i cant figure out what are the library modules i need to use. the only format it supports are EDIF, verilog and VHDL but there are no such files in the synopsys library.
help me

TetraMAX uses verilog libraries. You should have this files in the libraries for simulation purposes.

You can synthesize your RTL, make formal verification and static analysis without any simulation. But I'm not sure about input file format for Formality (if it's not verilog nor VHDL you can use this flow).

But if you are going to make any simulation you need to ask your library vendor about any rtl (verilog or vhdl) files.

i dont know abt this will it work or not. am new to this tool and if i go according to the manual i need to run the library model before generating ATPG test patterns. but the thing is there are no .v files in the library. the only files there are either .db .sldb or .sdb which are not known file formats for tetramax. DFT compiler reads these files but not tetramax.

Hi, the verilog models will probably not be in the same directory as the synthesis libraries.
Can you do an ls on the directory above the one that holds the synthesis libraries?

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