What are the contents of ODB++ file?

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Newbie level 3
Aug 21, 2012
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Hi. I would like to know about ODB++ file contents. Basically all layers of PCBA assembly and most important component height.It is most important to get component height and dimensions are available from ODB++ data?Need all your valuable assistance.

how to convert ODB++ file to DXF

How to create ODB++ file to DXF??

how to convert ODB++ file to DXF

How to convert ODB++ file to DXF file??

ODB dose not have component heights, what do you want to achieve.

AFAIK It can do if an attribute is used, ODB++ can have attributes added to the data.
Someone else on here has the ODB spec and has done work with this.
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I,ve got the ODB++ spec, what is transferred is controlled by the software doing the post processing and valour (now Mentors) gateway. If you want height information then use IDF as this is the method of transferring mechanical data to a mechanical system (DXF). ODB++ has information on the layers, graphical representation, the connectivity (net list) and the component information, this information is used for PCB fabrication and assembly, such as pick and place and for bare board testing to a netlist. Any convertion of ODB++ or Gerebr to DXF gives a DXF version of the artwork or the assembly drawing it does not give a 3D picture, which with the reference to height is what I suspect the OP is after, if this is the case then he needs to look at IDF interfaceSome more information would be useful.

route2anand can you explain more about what you are trying to achieve?

Why do you want the height in ODB++ and what software are you:
1) making ODB++ with
2) using the ODB++ file with?

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