want to learn designing:D

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Jan 9, 2009
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do anyone know how to design any circiut and program it is there any courses available for it if any plz reply
thnk you

Best way, I think, is to have a standard electronic circuits book in hand, understand the functionality of the circuits, implement them in Orcad or other simulator and verify them.

If any one finds Orcad, please send me PM


sreevyas said:
If any one finds Orcad, please send me PM

oh.is it missing?
you could still find it at https://www.cadence.com/support/Pages/downloads.aspx

there are proffessional courses like Diploma in electronics,Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics etc in most of the reputed colleges.which you pursue once you are doen with your secondary or higher seconday education.There they teach all these what you are looking for.


I am a student of BE- electronics in Pune,india.
I have similar interests in electronic based product design. Unfortunately courses in india has little stress on designing. hence i request some guru in here to advice beginners regarding points they should stress on while studying.

i've it but it is of 182mbs,cann't be send it like this


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you have to learn the basic electronic theory first..

but anyway, there are a lot hobby electronic circuit all around, you want play around with that first, but take your own initiative to learn how it actually work.

also, pic microcontroller is budget microcontroller for begining to learn programming and controlling.

if you're talking about more advance designing, this work will help. rather than talking about all electronic theory, it explain in practical electronic design, what is better circuit design also theoritically they are the same.
"the art of electronic"

The Art of Electronics is an excellent reading material. It's down to earth explanations and humorous makes you feel like your reading a magazine than a book.

As regards to designing, it is a continous learning process and a skill that you will aquire as get more experience. The bottom line is try to read subjects that you are most interested with then, don't stop on the book but build the circuits themselves to get a "feel" of the electrons at work! Nothing beats good old practical hands-on for understanding the circuit. Of course with the help of you DMM and 'scopes. The internet has a lot of resources for designing just keep digging that treasure chest of information. Also, don't feel disheartened if your first design didn't work. Even in the electronics industry, a prototype sometimes takes a hundred revision before it is acceptable for consumer production. Things don't always work the first time.

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