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VPC300 particle counter

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Advanced Member level 3
Nov 3, 2018
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I am wondering what is the unit of particle counts in VPC300 ? Are these numbers (counts per particle size) are measured in per cubic meter ? I also have attached a table presenting particles limit per cubic meter for different ISO standards.


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In air it'd be /m3 or /ft3. On sirfaces, per cm2 most likely.
I'd bet the user manual would say, metric vs English vs
user-select, if it can be found. Metric is more likely in a
modern industry but HVAC here in the UAS still talks
CFM, so I'd wait for (look for) the source material to say.

According to user manual the unit is 0.1ft3 (2.83L/min). How can I get max particle count limit with this device for different sizes for ISO 6 to 8 ?

Following are the the particle sizes VPC300 can count in unit 0.1ft3 (2.83L/min)

0.3 um:
0.5 um:
1.0 um:
2.5 um:
5.0 um:
10 um:
--- Updated ---

In order to convert the measurement 0.1ft3 to cubic meter I would need to multiply by 10 to get measurement per cubic feet and then multiply with 35.31 because 1m³= 35.31ft. For example if I have the reading 100 particle count for 0.3 um in VPC300, it would corresponds to 100 x 10 x 35.31= 35310, right ? In which ISO standard we are ?
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No, I think flow rate 0.1ft3 (2.83L/min) has nothing to do with the particle counts. Then I am back to the same question. In which unit these particle counts are displayed in VPC 300.

In air it'd be /m3 or /ft3. On sirfaces, per cm2 most likely.
I'd bet the user manual would say, metric vs English vs
user-select, if it can be found. Metric is more likely in a
modern industry but HVAC here in the UAS still talks
CFM, so I'd wait for (look for) the source material to say.
I tried to search the user manual of VPC 300 but don't find where it mention the unit of measurement, whether it is counting in per m3 or not, where to check the unit ?

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