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[SOLVED] VHDL port map error in Quartus II

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Dec 12, 2006
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Hello Friends,

Kindly, I am writing a code for FIFO - RAM to use it with my UART controller. Now I got the code for the first part which is the FIFO + RAM. In fact it is not my code, I found it on the net which is as follows:

library IEEE;
library work;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use work.all;
entity FIFO is
	generic (N: integer := 3; -- number of address bits for 2**N address locations
			M: integer := 5); -- number of data bits to/from FIFO
	port (CLK, PUSH, POP, INIT: in std_logic;
		  DIN: in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
		  DOUT: out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
		  FULL, EMPTY, NOPUSH, NOPOP: out std_logic);
end entity FIFO;

architecture TOP_HIER of FIFO is
signal WE: std_logic;
signal A: std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);

component FIFO_LOGIC is
	generic (N: integer); -- number of address bits
	port (CLK, PUSH, POP, INIT: in std_logic;
		  ADD: out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
		  FULL, EMPTY, WE, NOPUSH, NOPOP: buffer std_logic);
end component FIFO_LOGIC;

component RAM2 is
	generic (K, W: integer); -- number of address and data bits
	port (WR: in std_logic; -- active high write enable
		  ADDR: in std_logic_vector (W-1 downto 0); -- RAM address
		  DIN: in std_logic_vector (K-1 downto 0); -- write data
		  DOUT: out std_logic_vector (K-1 downto 0)); -- read data
end component RAM2;
-- example of component instantiation using positional notation
FL: FIFO_LOGIC generic map (N)
-- example of component instantiation using keyword notation
R: RAM2 generic map (W => N, K => M)
	[B][U]port map (DIN => DIN, ADDR => A, WR => WE, DOUT => DOUT);[/U][/B]
end architecture TOP_HIER;


library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity FIFO_LOGIC is
		generic (N: integer := 3);
		port (CLK, PUSH, POP, INIT: in std_logic;
		ADD: out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
		FULL, EMPTY, WE, NOPUSH, NOPOP: buffer std_logic);
end entity FIFO_LOGIC;

architecture RTL of FIFO_LOGIC is
	signal WPTR, RPTR: std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
	signal LASTOP: std_logic;

SYNC: process (CLK) begin
	if (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
		if (INIT = '1') then -- initialization --
			WPTR <= (others => '0');
			RPTR <= (others => '0');
			LASTOP <= '0';
		elsif (POP = '1' and EMPTY = '0') then -- pop --
			RPTR <= RPTR + 1;
			LASTOP <= '0';
		elsif (PUSH = '1' and FULL = '0') then -- push --
			WPTR <= WPTR + 1;
			LASTOP <= '1';
		end if; -- otherwise all Fs hold their value --
	end if;
end process SYNC;

-- full and empty flags --
	if (RPTR = WPTR) then
		if (LASTOP = '1') then
			FULL <= '1';
			EMPTY <= '0';
			FULL <= '0';
			EMPTY <= '1';
		end if;
		FULL <= '0';
		EMPTY <= '0';
	end if;
-- address, write enable and nopush/nopop logic --
	if (POP = '0' and PUSH = '0') then -- no operation --
		ADD <= RPTR;
		WE <= '0';
		NOPUSH <= '0';
		NOPOP <= '0';
	elsif (POP = '0' and PUSH = '1') then -- push only --
		ADD <= WPTR;
		NOPOP <= '0';
		if (FULL = '0') then -- valid write condition --
			WE <= '1';
			NOPUSH <= '0';
		else -- no write condition --
			WE <= '0';
			NOPUSH <= '1';
		end if;
	elsif (POP = '1' and PUSH = '0') then -- pop only --
		ADD <= RPTR;
		NOPUSH <= '0';
		WE <= '0';
		if (EMPTY = '0') then -- valid read condition --
			NOPOP <= '0';
			NOPOP <= '1'; -- no red condition --
		end if;
	else -- push and pop at same time –
		if (EMPTY = '0') then -- valid pop --
			ADD <= RPTR;
			WE <= '0';
			NOPUSH <= '1';
			NOPOP <= '0';
			ADD <= wptr;
			WE <= '1';
			NOPUSH <= '0';
			NOPOP <= '1';
		end if;
	end if;
end process COMB;
end architecture RTL;

and the RAM2 is

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity RAM2 is
	generic (K: integer:=8; -- number of bits per word
			 W: integer:=8); -- number of address bits
	port (	WR: in std_logic; -- active high write enable
			ADDR: in std_logic_vector (W-1 downto 0); -- RAM address
			DIN: in std_logic_vector (K-1 downto 0); -- write data
			DOUT: out std_logic_vector (K-1 downto 0)); -- read data
end entity RAM2;

architecture RAMBEHAVIOR of RAM2 is
	subtype WORD is std_logic_vector ( K-1 downto 0); -- define size of WORD
	type MEMORY is array (0 to 2**W-1) of WORD; -- define size of MEMORY
	signal RAM256: MEMORY; -- define RAM256 as signal of type MEMORY
	process (WR, DIN, ADDR)
		variable RAM_ADDR_IN: integer range 0 to 2**W-1; -- to translate address to integer
		variable STARTUP: boolean :=true; -- temporary variable for initialization
	if (STARTUP = true) then -- for initialization of RAM during start of simulation
		RAM256 <= (0 => "00000101", -- initializes first 5 locations in RAM
		1 => "00110100", -- to specific values
		2 => "00000110", -- all other locations in RAM are
		3 => "00011000", -- initialized to all 0s
		4 => "00000011",
		others => "00000000");
		DOUT <= "XXXXXXXX"; -- force undefined logic values on RAM output
		STARTUP :=false; -- now this portion of process will only execute once
		RAM_ADDR_IN := conv_integer (ADDR); -- converts address to integer
		if (WR='1') then -- write operation to RAM
			RAM256 (RAM_ADDR_IN) <= DIN ;
		end if;
		DOUT <= RAM256 (RAM_ADDR_IN); -- always does read operation
	end if;
	end process;
end architecture RAMBEHAVIOR;

the Quartus II gave me the following error:

Error (10344): VHDL expression error at FIFO.vhdl(39): expression has 3 elements, but must have 5 elements

I think I do not have a problem in my code but I am not expert. I hope somebody can help me.

Thank you very much

Error (10344): VHDL expression error at FIFO.vhdl(39): expression has 3 elements, but must have 5 elements

I think I do not have a problem in my code but I am not expert. I hope somebody can help me.

I presume you want to learn VHDL. Why don't you inspect the code at the reported error location thoroughly and try to find out which number of elements (length of a std_logic_vector in this case) doesn't match?

The problem is actually brought up in your port declaration. Obviously a generic constant is used in a way contradicting it's said purpose. Are DIN and DOUT address values?
	generic (N: integer := 3; -- number of address bits for 2**N address locations
			M: integer := 5); -- number of data bits to/from FIFO
	port (CLK, PUSH, POP, INIT: in std_logic;
		  DIN: in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
		  DOUT: out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
		  FULL, EMPTY, NOPUSH, NOPOP: out std_logic);
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I presume you want to learn VHDL. Why don't you inspect the code at the reported error location thoroughly and try to find out which number of elements (length of a std_logic_vector in this case) doesn't match?

I was sure you will answer my question. Therefore, I await your answer. Thank you very much. You are always solve my problems. Today, the answer was very good, especially when you tweaked me. This made me find out many mistakes, and I thank you very much.

In fact, I am really started self teaching myself VHDL.
I will correct some errors and come back.

- - - Updated - - -

Thank you again FvM,

I corrected the errors where the port declaration became:

entity FIFO is
	generic (N: integer := 3; -- number of address bits for 2**N address locations
			M: integer := 8); -- number of data bits to/from FIFO
	port (CLK, PUSH, POP, INIT: in std_logic;
		  DIN: in std_logic_vector(M-1 downto 0);
		  DOUT: out std_logic_vector(M-1 downto 0);
		  FULL, EMPTY, NOPUSH, NOPOP: out std_logic);
end entity FIFO;

by the way, the original code is from C. E. Stroud, ECE Dep., Auburn Univ.
ELEC 4200 Digital System Design
Fall 2012
VHDL Sequential Logic Modeling
from this website:

anyway, thank you very much.

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