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Quartus 2 vhdl; Error: Node instance instantiates undefined entity.

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Newbie level 4
Dec 31, 2022
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This is a vhdl code in Quartus , I really did everything to solve the problem but I keep got an error.. anyone can helped me

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

library adk;
use adk.all;

entity mux5_1_1wide is
  port (
  a_input, b_input,c_input,d_input,e_input: in std_logic;
  sel     : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
  z_out   : out std_logic
end mux5_1_1wide;

architecture beh of mux5_1_1wide is

  component mux21
          port ( a0, a1, s0 : in std_logic;
                 y : out std_logic);
  end component;

  component inv01
          port ( a : in std_logic;
                 y : out std_logic);
  end component;

  signal temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3: std_logic;
  U1: mux21 port map (a0 => a_input,
                     a1 => b_input,
                           s0 => sel(0),
                            y => temp0);
  U2: mux21 port map (a0 => c_input,
                     a1 => d_input,
                           s0 => sel(0),
                            y => temp1);
  U3: mux21 port map (a0 => temp0,
                     a1 => temp1,
                           s0 => sel(1),
                            y => temp2);
  U4: mux21 port map (a0 => temp2,
                     a1 => e_input,
                           s0 => sel(2),
                            y => temp3);
  U5: inv01 port map  (a => temp3,
                      y => z_out);
  end beh;

You're probably missing one or more of the components. Without further information, like an error message, no one can help you.

The full error message is probably
Error (12006): Node instance "U1" instantiates undefined entity "mux21". Ensure that required library paths are specified correctly, define the specified entity, or change the instantiation. If this entity represents Intel FPGA or third-party IP, generate the synthesis files for the IP.
And so on for other instances.

Just follow the suggestion "Ensure that required library paths are specified correctly, define the specified entity, or change the instantiation." Means you either need to add the component code for mux21 and inv01 to the project, if you already have it, or write it.

You're probably missing one or more of the components. Without further information, like an error message, no one can help you.
These are the error messages I have got , could you please help me

Error (12006): Node instance "U1" instantiates undefined entity "mux21"
Error (12006): Node instance "U2" instantiates undefined entity "mux21"
Error (12006): Node instance "U3" instantiates undefined entity "mux21"
Error (12006): Node instance "U4" instantiates undefined entity "mux21"
Error (12006): Node instance "U5" instantiates undefined entity "inv01"
Error: Quartus II 64-Bit Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 5 errors, 1 warning
Error: Peak virtual memory: 4704 megabytes
Error: Processing ended: Sat Dec 31 20:59:19 2022
Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:03
Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:01
Error (293001): Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 7 errors, 1 warning

The full error message is probably
And so on for other instances.

Just follow the suggestion "Ensure that required library paths are specified correctly, define the specified entity, or change the instantiation." Means you either need to add the component code for mux21 and inv01 to the project, if you already have it, or write it.
Yes , this is the error message , can you please explain it for me , I am new in Quartus and I have no idea about library paths

Before we talk about specific problems like library paths, let's look at simple things: How is the code for mux21 and inv01 included in your project?

Can you post a screenshot of your quartus project showing the file structure?


Before we talk about specific problems like library paths, let's look at simple things: How is the code for mux21 and inv01 included in your project?
This code is about design a multiplexer 5*1 by 1*2 mux




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It's optional. The posted code is syntactically correct.
So true. I just rechecked, the 'is' keyword is optional. Unfortunately, I spend additional time typing 'is' anytime I declare a component.
But the project has apparently no entity definition of mux21 and inv01.
Yes, that's why I asked for the files. Probably hasn't been added, although I see an additional custom package is used.

So true. I just rechecked, the 'is' keyword is optional. Unfortunately, I spend additional time typing 'is' anytime I declare a component.

Yes, that's why I asked for the files. Probably hasn't been added, although I see an additional custom package is used
How I can added these entity , because I tried to added mux21 and inv01 , and I still getting error
Can you please write it as a code

It's optional. The posted code is syntactically correct. But the project has apparently no entity definition of mux21 and inv01.
Can you please write it in the code I have posted at the first , I really tried many ways and I still getting an error

The problem isn't in the code that you have posted, it's in the code that you have not posted or not even written. The compont definition is only a placeholder, the project should contain some code starting with
entity mux21
  port (

You can still write it on this same file though. At the top of the of the file.

The full error message is probably
And so on for other instances.

Just follow the suggestion "Ensure that required library paths are specified correctly, define the specified entity, or change the instantiation." Means you either need to add the component code for mux21 and inv01 to the project, if you already have it, or write it.
please can you show the steps to add the components codes to the project becasue i have the same problem , i am designing a 8bit cpu i have wrtien the code for program counter and when i try to compile the tetsbenche code where i already declared and instantiated my pc as component it show the same error

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