VHDL Code of UART on sparan 3e kit

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May 21, 2008
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vhdl code for uart

I need help in the following VHDL code .. i'm not so good in VHDL so I need someone to explain to me how does this code achieve the UART transmitter plz

VHDL Code:
entity uart_tx is
Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;
clr : in STD_LOGIC;
tx_data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
ready : in STD_LOGIC;
tdre : out STD_LOGIC;
TxD : out STD_LOGIC);
end uart_tx;
architecture uart_tx of uart_tx is
type state_type is (mark, start, delay, shift, stop);
signal state: state_type;
signal txbuff: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
signal baud_count: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 downto 0);
signal bit_count: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
constant bit_time: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 downto 0) := X"A28";
uart2: process(clk, clr, ready)
if clr = '1' then
state <= mark;
txbuff <= "00000000";
baud_count <= X"000";
bit_count <= "0000";
TxD <= '1';
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
case state is
when mark => -- wait for ready
bit_count <= "0000";
tdre <= '1';
if ready = '0' then
state <= mark;
txbuff <= tx_data;
baud_count <= X"000";
state <= start; -- go to start
end if;
when start => -- output start bit
baud_count <= X"000";
TxD <= '0';
tdre <= '0';
state <= delay; -- go to delay
when delay => -- wait bit time
tdre <= '0';
if baud_count >= bit_time then
baud_count <= X"000";
if bit_count < 8 then -- if not done
state <= shift; -- go to shift
else -- else
state <= stop; -- go to stop
end if;
baud_count <= baud_count + 1;
state <= delay; -- stay in delay
end if;
when shift => -- get next bit
tdre <= '0';
TxD <= txbuff(0);
txbuff(6 downto 0) <= txbuff(7 downto 1);
bit_count <= bit_count + 1;
state <= delay;
when stop => -- stop bit
tdre <='0';
TxD <= '1';
if baud_count >= bit_time then
baud_count <= X"000";
state <= mark;
baud_count <= baud_count + 1;
state <= stop;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end process uart2;
end uart_tx;

Added after 35 minutes:

If this is the block diagram of the code.. how can i connect the tdre & ready ?? I mean aren't they signal for handshaking ??

uart vhdl code

Personally, I would designate a start input txstart rather than ready, but the present naming may be meaningful in a particular design.

Actually, the UART has an input to trigger transmission and a status output to signal end of transmission, that should be all you need to use it in a design. So what's the problem? Of course we can't about your application, but normally, there must be a source of data and an instance that requests transmission of data.

vhdl code for usart

Actually i understood the code finally & i think that the tdre should be connected to the Data terminal ready of the pc & the ready with Data set ready signal from the pc..my question is how can i connect these input to specific pins in the RS232 port ?? In the FPGA user guide only the sent & receive pins are shown.

I need to send some data from the FPGA to the pc.. so i wrote this code & convert it into schematic & connect it with the rest of the design but in assigning the pin numbers how can i connect a sigle pin of the serial port ?

uart vhdl

I wonder, what some data means in your application. If it's more than repeating a character endlessly, then there must be a start of transmission signal to the UART. It's O.K.to connect only TxD to the PC, but the ready and trde have to be connected in your FPGA design internally.

vhdl uart code

I just wanna send a stream of bits.. & how can i connect the tdre & ready internally ???

uart transmitter vhdl

I think, simply connecting the two signals causes the UART to send repeatedly. Why don't you try?
P.S: You may need to use a wire symbol to connect two nets in schematic entry.


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vhdl code for uart

thanks 'll try this.. but won't i need Picoblaze ???

Added after 2 hours 48 minutes:

isn't it in this case like a shift register ???

vhdl baud generator

isn't it in this case like a shift register ???
Any UART is a shiftregister with a baud generator and some control logic.

but won't i need Picoblaze ???
May be you need Picoblaze in your design, but I can't know from what you have told so far.
I just wanna send a stream of bits...
This is achieved by the present design.

vhdl uart baud generator

but how an i connect tdre to ready ?? isn't ready supposed to be 0 initially for the code ?? how can i do this & it's an internal signal ??

vhdl code and transmission data

yeah u were right i even removed them & it worked
but i have one more question it's said that the baudrate is 9600 from the instruction :

constant bit_time: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 downto 0) := X"A28";

& that X"A28" represents 9600 but actually i can't get it.. what about 115200 bps how can i change this code to fit it ??

P.S I know that i can change the PC baud rate but this is not what i want.. i wanna change the baud rate in this code to 115200

115200bps uart clk

It depends on your clock frequency. "A28" (2600) is for a clock frequency of 25 MHz. Just set the constant to Fclk/Baud - 1. It may be necessary to adjust the baud_counter word length.


    Points: 2
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uart baud vhdl

how can i change it to 115200 bps ??

Added after 5 hours 5 minutes:

but won't it non accurate division.. i mean isn't the baud rate value should be sharp !! with no fractions !!

uart vhdl code 8 bit

I'm using a calculator generally, it tells 216. So why not trying with this value?

I'dont understand what you mean with a sharp baud rate, I never heard of such a thing. Actually, the baud rate has a certain frequency error. That's no problem, also a PC has, it's using 24 MHz/(13*16) in most cases, which is 115385 baud. A 1 or 2 % deviation can be always tolerated with an UART, but it's much less here.


can any1 tel d operation of vhdl code for uart receiver

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