Verilog Intger data type

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Jul 18, 2007
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verilog integer range

I have a question regarding verilog integer data types. The default
integer size is 32 bit in Verilog. Can we extend it? In VHDL we can
have something like,

Max_Time : in integer range 0 to 255;

How do we express this in Verilog?


signed integer in verilog

Your example of a VHDL integer in the following statement has only a 8 bit integer.
Max_Time : in integer range 0 to 255
I dont quite understand what to you mean 'extend'. Extend beyond 32 bits?
Then take a reg/wire type and have as many bits as you like in it. And in verilog you can use the reg type vectors just as you would integers.
Hope it helps

integer data type verilog

Integer has a partly different purpose i Verilog. IEEE spec says
An integer is a general-pupose variable used for manipulating quantities that are not regarded as hardware registers.
Thus integer has no range. A reg e. g. can't be of the integer type.

verilog integer size

In Verilog-2001, a Verilog "integer" is a 32-bit signed value. So it has a finite minimum and maximum range. (A Verilog "real" is a floating-point value.)

If you need more than 32-bits, you can simply declare a signed reg/wire with as many bits as you want.

reg  signed [31:0] int32;
reg  signed [63:0] int64;
reg  signed [127:0] int128;
wire signed [127:0] int128_wire = int128;

verilog signed reg

This is representing integer in 32/64/128 bits. This is NOT integer datatype defined in verilog standard. I don''t have spec handy right now to quote, but I believe it makes it very clear that integer data type is simulator dependent when it comes to min-max range. Or put it like this, simulators are free to choose as many bits as they want to internally represent integer datatype. Integer datatype should not be used to represent hardware that you intend to synthesize and see in real silicon.

Added after 13 minutes:

Here is the relavant section for verilog-2001 spec.

Look for this line :

NOTE Implementations may limit the maximum size of an integer variable, but they shall at least be 32 bits.


verilog integer range

It's always good, to read the specification in detail. I thought, that the guys, who are interested in the details could consult the specification by themselves. Just consider, that some aspects aren't reflected adequately in Verilog textbooks or tool handbooks.

To my opinion, the single sentence I quoted, already clarifies the difference between registers and integer in the Verilog concept. While integer with a range can be used for synthesis purposes in VHDL, there doesn't exist an equivalent in Verilog. Cause Verilog is much less typified, you basically have bit vectors, that are also treated as unsigned numbers by default, and you have signed as an option.

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