V shaped ground plane using IE3D

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Nov 26, 2010
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hello i want to know that how can i make V shape ground plane using IE3D. please somebody tell me step by step. i m working on some paper i attached it also so i want to make the V shaped ground like in the paper


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If you want to simulate such a structure in IE3D, you have to make the zero layer conductivity zero (in the basic parameters section). The ground plane as used in the antenna is just a metallic surface for IE3D. So if you are able to draw metallic surfaces in IE3D, you can just draw this ground plane as a polygon where the vertices are on different layers to create the V-structure.

i know how to setthe ground plane in IE3d but i m getting difficulty in giving V shape. i dont know how to bend the ground plane to make it as V shaped as shown in paper.
can you please make me understand step by step procedure.
i will be very thankful to you.

regards sameer


As mentioned in my previous posting, you don't need the ground plane layer in IE3D. You turn it off by setting the conductivity to zero. Your antenna doesn't use an infinite ground plane but just a V-shaped metal piece. You create such structures by drawing polygons where the points are on different layers (this turns that polygon into a 3D opbject).

Do you know how to draw polygons in IE3D? If not, please follow the steps as provided with the package (help file). If you then find difficulties, don't hesitate to come back. You may find difficulties in selecting the feed scheme. If you have some experience with IE3D, I would use the vertical localized scheme, that converts a rectangular vertically oriented (group of) polygon(s) into a feed source.
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