Using SPEF files for STA in INNOVUS

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Newbie level 3
Feb 12, 2019
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Hi, I have two sets of two SPEF files (fast/slow corners, respectively) that I wish to read into Innovus and run STA with MMMC. For each set, I have created two rc corners that are from the two SPEF files I have, like so:

# # MCMM setup

create_constraint_mode -name CON -sdc_file test.sdc

create_library_set -name WC_LIB_SLOW -timing slow.lib
create_rc_corner -name _slow_rc_corner_
create_delay_corner -name WC_SLOW -library_set WC_LIB_SLOW -rc_corner _slow_rc_corner_
create_analysis_view -name WC_SLOW_VIEW -delay_corner WC_SLOW -constraint_mode CON

create_library_set -name WC_LIB_FAST -timing fast.lib
create_rc_corner -name _fast_rc_corner_
create_delay_corner -name WC_FAST -library_set WC_LIB_FAST -rc_corner _fast_rc_corner_
create_analysis_view -name WC_FAST_VIEW -delay_corner WC_FAST -constraint_mode CON

spefIn fast.spef -rc_corner fast_corner
spefIn slow.spef -rc_corner spef_corner

setAnalysisMode -analysisType onChipVariation -cppr both
set_analysis_view -setup [list WC_SLOW_VIEW] -hold [list WC_FAST_VIEW]

report_timing -early >
report_timing -late >

However, my problem is that even though the two sets of fast/slow SPEF files are different, they have the same slack values in the reports. Even if I manually modify the spef files to have unrealistic cap values, the slack does not change. Since several warnings jump out when setting the analysis view:

**WARN: (IMPEXT-2776):  The via resistance between layers M1 and M2 is not defined in the capacitance table file. The via resistance of 4 Ohms defined in the LEF technology file will be used as via resistance between these layers.

Does the default values actually overwrite the cap/res values in the spef file? Is there a way to force the program to use the values in the spef instead? Thanks!

I am almost sure you have to issue the spefIn command later, after you initialize/configure MMMC.

I am almost sure you have to issue the spefIn command later, after you initialize/configure MMMC.

Thanks for the reply!
I'm pretty sure I have though? The spefIn command seems to annotate the spef into rc corners; the rc corners in question are initialized before spefIn.

In your code, spefIn comes before the set_analysis_view command. The problem is that the MMMC flow by default uses Innovus/qrc extraction by default. It doesn't take external spef files. Whatever you are setting, I think it is being ignored when timing is actually calculated. I don't have a design with external spef files that I can use to validate my hypothesis right now...

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