Using GPS for tracking(30 points to who helps)

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I recommend GSM/GPRS/GPS module such as wavecom, Siemens XT65/XT75 or others.
However, after finishing hardware Design process and writing some driver code, you need write a web service to send data to centeral office. However, for this purpose you can use Visual Studio and ASP.NET which is very easy and fast.

Best Regards

I know some module : SIM508 and GM862-GPS. They are all GSM/GPRS+GPS modules

See This link for ideas,I have used the 'UBlox gps module and not expensive.
Look at EYTracker link and Opentracker link

Good luck

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i have done a similar project, so here's a few pointers..

1. making everything from scratch is a pain! i know how satisfying it is, but there are so many complex problems from the selection of modules to PCB layouts and casing design. and it may end up costing more..
2. if u still want the satisfaction of doing things your way, just buy the Telit module from sparkfun. it'll cost around $300 and you still would have to program it.
3. if you just want to get this thing over with, i recommend the globalsat TR-151. its small, cheap, and battery backed. as a matter of fact, i wish i had this when i did my project. if you want something flashy, use the Geo-something from sparkfun. it costs a little more, but i am personally infatuated with sparkfun, and they can send it right to your door.
4. connection is always a problem. GPRS is a great choice for the real time applications(think small dots moving across the screen). the price per byte data is the cheapest. however, you would need a server with a public IP for this to work. so yeah, unless you are willing to invest heavily on this, this solution is out. another choice is SMS / Text messaging. cheap enough to pay, easy enough to configure, and if you just want to know where it is whenever you query, it'll work.
5. the map is another problem. detailed topographical and street maps are available, but not for everywhere. granted, you could always connect it with Google Earth, but depending on your locations, the deatils are sparse.

there are so many other problems, but those are the major ones. you can make it if you put your mind to it, but it's such a large project. anyway, that's my input. if you need any help or discouraging words just send me a message.


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