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Using GPS for tracking(30 points to who helps)

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Junior Member level 2
Jun 17, 2006
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1,507 gps google earth

I have thought of an idea for tracking packages using GPS.My father owns a transport company and we are thinking of implementing it for our company.

Here is the idea( which i also sent to NASA design contest) with the block diagram-

Now i want to start by just interfacing a GPS(see the link above for details).So is it better to buy modules or use receiver chips?


tracking using gprs projects block diagram


It is a good idea but unfortunately it is very old.
It is implemented nowadays with many enhanced capabilities.

I have developed whole of this project if you still want some help send me a PM.

garmin gps with serial output

Delorme Blue logger
Just google it

Hi All,
Could you please tell us wich µc that can be used in such application and the technique used to read the speed of the vehicule ?

i think you sould worry about the communications between the truck and the central database? is it going to be satellite? it costs vverey much. is it going to be radio? how about coverage in remote areas? and foreign radio reglations?.

In such systems it"s better to use GSM module. An not expensive solution is to use cell phones communicating (using AT command) with a good µc. Memories also can be used to store information. Also a GPS system can be used to locate the Tracks and zu wieter...
So, We have not to worry about radio reglations


I have used 8051/8052 Microcontroller for this project and Garmin GPS with Serial Output.

You can use any GSM Modem to communicate between The Vehicle and Database.


I have looked into the GPS and it sounds interesting.
I have worked in GPS project for more than a year and i advise you to go for a commercial GPS receiver and then decode the information stored in the RAM and transmit using RF means for controllability.
You can find lot's of information on the GPS receivers.
Designing a receiver is an expensive solution.


They are somewhat expensive, but does not require any external microcontroller.. I think this is the perfect module for your usage unless they are too expensive (will be quite cheaper in quantities thou)

"This is the latest technology available to the M2M (Machine-to-Machine) market. The GM862-GPS combines the powerful GSM engine of the GM862 with a SiRF III 20-channel high sensitivity GPS receiver. Call up the module, issue the GPS query command, and you'll have NMEA data! If this unit is within range of a cellular tower, you'll know where it is within 9 meters anywhere on the surface of the earth."

To answer your question "is it better to buy modules or use receiver chips?", I would use a module because of the large number of manufacturers and ease of use.

we installed some similar systems. The most difficult part of such a project is to provide GPS receiver, controller and GSM/GPRS module with electr.power if a truck does not use the only container.
It is better to purchase controller with internal GPS receiver and GSM/GPRS module plus soft from one vendor. You may need a special design of GPS antenna.
The average cost of the electronics is about 500-700 USD. And you should add almost the same for a battery, special case and other accessories.

Hi People you are all overlooking the RF problem, in the first place all shipping containers is build with metal and without an external antenna no GPS receiver module will be able to log on to the satellites and a GPS needs to log on to at least three satellites to compute its location, second how is the unit going to send it's location out to the GSM network? for a test take your cell phone into one of this containers or in the back of a truck close the door an try to use your cell phone, it just don't work. and if the unit have to send the data via satellite to the control centre it need a transmitter of at least 10 watt and a propper antenna, and what about power supply? battery? how long will it last and how big will the battery be? so forget it anybody who tell jou it can be done talk nonsense. I did a tracking project for game in the Kruger National Park in South Africa and I know what I'm talking about.
I am 1.3 Km from my nearest GSM tower and in line of site with a 10 element Yagi external antenna on my 3G modem and the best signal I can get is 4/5 so GSM is totally out.


Whats the status of your project ?

If you are in india, you can use the GSM+CDMA network with which you will get pretty good coverage. The running cost will be pretty high if you opt for the data mode. Look into that aspect. Otherwise use a datalogger which will keep sending the data every one hour in data mode.

I presume your trucks will be travelling on national highways most of the time, it will be pretty economical to use the GSM+CDMA network (BSNL+RELIANCE).

Keep updating the progress.

Good Luck.

I recomment you to use module. It's easy to use and If you need GPRS for the future. You can use module with GPS+GPRS.

I use SIMCOM module

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