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USB2.0 Microcontroller Software

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Mar 27, 2002
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I need some suggestions and info about EZ USB2.0 chips. I need to
send 8bit or 10bit parallel data comes from DSP to PC as fast as
possible. Is it possible to do with these chips? What is the main idea? I read about internal FIFOs of EZ USB2.0s. Chip is not so fast itself.

Is there anyone worked with these micros? What is the realistic
data transfer ratio?

Is there a free or available programming environment for EZUSB?
Could I use any C Compiler?

Does EZUSB has internal FLASH or do I have to use external EEPROM?


EZ USB chip series

I cannot comment on the EZ USB2.0 series, but I do have some experience with the EZ USB chip. So all this information applys to the non-2.0 versions, but most should apply to the 2.0. The application that I was working on, we were sending about 24 bytes of data every 2ms. We were doing A/D conversion using a separate chip, receiving the data, and then passing it into the PC. We were not doing a lot of internal processing of the information, mainly sampling and passing it up.

Never had the time to experiment with how much it would push through, or where it would get bogged down, since it is a modified 8051 type core.

There is some helpful software that one can downloaded that is intended to be used with the EZ USB dev kit (looks like it is the same kit for the USB2.0 series):


I have not downloaded the kit for about a year, but it should have an evaluation version of the keil 8051 compiler (limited to 4K in object size if I recall) for use with the device, some sample C code for creating windows WDM drivers, autility to download code to the device for the dev kit, and source code for the dev kit setup.

I do not know much about free software, but I would think just about any 8051 compiler would work.

Does EZUSB has internal FLASH or do I have to use external EEPROM?
In regards to the FLASH/EEPROM question, we only had (if I recall right) a small serial eeprom (something like 64bytes) that fed the EZUSB the orgID and deviceId upon powerup. Then after that, windows took care of the rest. Actually, windows found the device, downloaded the boot code, then found a new device (because of the new code running), and installed the windows drivers for it then. It actually makes development on the board faster because the process is compile, unplug device, plug device in, test. I also think there are different versions that have some non-volitale type memory.

If you have about $500 to spend, I would recommend the dev kit. It is a little pricey for what it does, but it works out of the box and you can simulate some data to see if it will do what you want to do before investing too much time into it.

Hope this helps, and good luck.

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