two oscilloscopes, which to choose ? Need recommendation.

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Newbie level 6
Aug 9, 2011
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I'm looking to buy my first oscilloscope for general use ( 2 channel , 10-100MHz Bandwith, >100MS/s sampling rate, <400$).

I have found that I can buy a used but fully functional Tektronix TDS 340 or a brand new **broken link removed** for about the same price. Which would you recommend?

As far as the specs concerned TDS-340 Tektronix is far better than Tenma.
I vote for Tektronix - even if it looks that it has worse characteristics it has better quality.
a lot depends on what you are using it for. The tek obviously has a bigger bandwidth. 25 Mhz is not that big anymore. But the newer scope probably has easy access to the screen via computer, which is handy for reports.
You'd be much better off getting a 50MHz Rigol DS1052E rather than the Tenma. I have one and wouldn't hesitate to recommend them, in fact some of the Agilent (HP) scopes are rebadged Rigol's, I think this says a lot about the quality of their products.
Thanks for all the replies. I took a look at the Rigol DS1052E and it does look like a decent scope, would be slightly more expensive than the used tektronix though. The problem with buying used things is that they are never like you expect them to be and there is always a risk involved, so even though the majority here favor the tektronix, I think I will go for the Rigol... just to be on the safe side. Will I regret this ?

I don't think you'll regret the Rigol unit. I've got one and I'm very happy with it.

If you decide to go for the used Tek scope, I'd ask for a pic and what warranty you get with it. It's also best to get it calibrated from the supplier because if anything is wrong with it it'll be picked up in the calibration.

Blindly go for Tek scope.. but a new one.. you are foing to spen only once.
brand.. warranty. functionality.. Tek is equal to none.
if money matters a lot, go for Rigol. all the best..

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