TSMC 0.20u CMOS018 (6M, HV FET, sblock)

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Does it work for ic5141 or ic610?

Wow, I really need to learn a lot. I dont know most of what you are talking about.

is someone has tsmc 0.35 lib ,i need one

Would you give more info,

- What kind of design tool is targeted in this files?

I need this lib, but I don't download it!

god,so many points needed

Added after 5 hours 22 minutes:

it's seems not a spice model

i really need tsmc .18um to design op amp.thanks
but i have no points.

Added after 2 minutes:

very goog!
I need it ,tanhks!

I don't open files (.lib) for CMOS018 (6M, HV FET, sblock)
What is the solution ?

When i opened files (.lib) for CMOS018 (6M, HV FET, sblock)
by another prgram ,i don't find design rules .
can someone help me ?
Thanks in advance for your interest

Added after 24 minutes:

When i opened files (.lib) for CMOS018 (6M, HV FET, sblock) by another program
i don't find design rules .
I'm interesting by design rules of TSMC 0.18 µm(MOSIS).
Can someone help me because i don't find .
Thanks a lot for your interest.


I hope this file is what you guys want.

thank you for lib files.
Could anybody share a lef file for soc encounter as well?My file is corrupted.A working lef file would solve all my problems :wink:

Thanks in advance

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