TSMC 0.20u CMOS018 (6M, HV FET, sblock)

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Full Member level 2
May 13, 2004
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jan f:et johnson

Dear All,

I have several questions about Cadence Technology file
TSMC 0.20 CMOS018 (6M, HV FET, sblock)

(1) It's 0.20u technology or 0.18u technology?

(2) What's the meaning of "sblock"?

(3) Why the minimun channel length is 0.20 um and
the minimum channel width is 0.30 um for this technology?

Thank you.

0.20um technology

I think it should be 0.18um technology, but only realized 0.20um.

Sblock may be 'Salicide block'.

Minimum channel width is usually larger than minimum channel length because the former is defined by diffusion while the latter by poly.

freepdk technology files

it is 0.18um,the foundry will reallocate the length when you transfer the design to them

0.20um hv technology

can you upload the lib file?

In fact who has full technical data about this technology. I'm interested too.

Would you share it with othres?

Would you give more info,

- Is it digital cell data or tech data for custome design?

- What design tool is targeted in this files?

Hi zhaozenghui,
To download you must have enough points. In your case you have to have 6.29 and 6.48 poihnts to donwload the above documents.

Those files are free mirrored, so you must be able to download them without point.

very good! thanks!! why I cannot download them??

Added after 4 minutes:

TSMC-0.18um_LIB.part01.rar needs points,too.?

good guy,i really need this lib

thnk u guys
u can also download files fron verginia tech university site.

Added after 3 minutes:

u can download the files from synopsys site with ur solvnet id
Do you have similar data for 90nm and 65nm? even educational rule files will be useful!

Johnson said:
Do you have similar data for 90nm and 65nm? even educational rule files will be useful!

I need design rule files on 65 nm technology. If you have it share it.

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